Billie is opening up and initiating play with her good friends! 😁
Charlie helping Oreo break out of his shell and zooming around the yards! These two are so adorable 🥰
Herbert got to try the taste test on his very first day 🥰 he was interested in extensively sniffing every item and very lightly nomming on the hot dog. He is the cutest!
Lexi really couldn’t care less about all this… she’d rather be in the pool 😂 she gave the ice cream a shot but ended up tossing it in the grass and returning to the water. I guess we’ll try more mermaid friendly snacks next time!
The very elegant poodle Samson had his go at the taste test! He took some dramatic pauses to let his hair blow in the wind before returning to his meal 😍 No surprise here, the hot dogs and ice cream won out this time!
More points for hot dogs and ice cream! Groot prefers savory foods and veggies, but he couldn’t resist the ice cream 😋
To the surprise of no one, Lily made the hot dog disappear right away once she found it 🤣 She politely finished all of her ice cream, and gave the banana a good try. Awesome job, Lils!
Bear is usually iffy about activities without his siblings, so I’m very proud of him for giving this one a shot! That ice cream was pretty irresistible ☺️ good boy, Bear!
Tessa hopes that next time she can be served hot dogs on a less slippery plate. I’ll let the chef know! She broke the tie between hot dogs and ice cream with this one 😁
Maggie was a big fan of the hot dogs and ice cream! She did give the strawberry and banana a sniff, but politely declined. That was a nice refreshing snack this afternoon!
Kaepernick turned the taste test into a snuffle mat activity by burying his food in the grass! He did not appreciate me trying to put it back on the plate, he says that the grass added to the atmosphere of the dining experience. My bad! 😋
Louie was not interested in this taste test, but I’m proud of him for giving it a sniff! He ran off to do something more fun, like getting in the pool. 😁