FREE TO GOOD HOME: As a way of thanking you for being a part of the conversation, I promised that when my page hit 100,000 people, I would make the e-book versions of all four of my books available for FREE on Amazon. They are now free. This offer is good M-F of this week only.
Redemption is available here: http://amzn.to/1iOeJY3
Irreconcilable Differences is available here: http://amzn.to/XTUmul
All American Vegan is available here: http://amzn.to/1hOFAzE
Friendly Fire is available here: http://amzn.to/12gHgNw
You do not need a Kindle to download them. You can read them on any computer, smartphone, or e-reader if you first download the free kindle reading App from Amazon: http://amzn.to/11JcJtl. Friendly Fire is only available in the U.S., but the other three (Redemption, Irreconcilable Differences, and All American Vegan) are available worldwide.
If everyone on this page downloads each of them and shares the posts so that others do to, I could easily give away half a million books. Please help me do that. In addition to your friends and rescuers, please send the links to your local shelter directors, county commissioners, and other people of influence in your community even if they are hostile to No Kill and here’s why.
First, it won’t cost them a dime. Second, and more importantly, a year or two ago, I was dropped off at a Kentucky airport by an animal control director who volunteered to drive me. She wanted to talk about how we could work together to improve the animal welfare landscape in Kentucky. She told me how an advocate in her community gave her a copy of my book Redemption. But every time the advocate asked her if she read it, she said “No.” She told the advocate she started to do so, but that I was “angry.” The advocate would not relent. Finally, to prove me wrong, she read it. She told me when she finished, she was the one who was angry. She was angry at herself for spending the last 15 years as an animal control director doing it wrong. She was angry at HSUS because they defended her when they should have been challenging her to do better. And she was angry that they chose to sacrifice the animals in order to do so. The county shelter is now doing offsite adoptions, adoption promotions, and the other programs of the No Kill Equation. She can’t change the past, she said, but she can change the future, which she is committed to doing for the animals of her community. I can’t promise that your local shelter director would do the same thing, but it is worth a shot.
We are 108,000 strong and growing at a rate now of almost 700 people a day. Together, not only will we save lives; but we will create a future where every animal will be respected and cherished, and where every individual life will be protected and revered.