We’re here til 2pm!
Petsmart Tullahoma
It’s obvious who has been burying toys in the play yard now.
It doesn’t matter that there is an unoccupied bone 3 inches from Ham’s foot, what matters is sharing is caring and Hazel‘s bone looks delicious!
Lots of requests for updates on Wasabi.
He went to the vet on Monday. We had to put him in a trap and he had to be sedated at the vet in order to be checked out. He has what appears to be hip dysplasia in the right hip and he had gravel in his stomach.We got a tip on the previous owner and on Monday, with the help of the Police Department, they were found. Wasabi now has a court date.
The good news is, he is highly food motivated. Yesterday, I was able to feed him (through the fence for now) from my hand without any showing of teeth or growling. Today, he wagged his tail at me the tiniest bit. He fully recognizes me as the good food lady and that’s what we’re going to build this relationship on. He is no where near adoptable and will require a lot of rehabilitation to see if he ever gets to that point both medically and behaviorally. For now, we’re taking the small wins and watching to see if he passes this gravel.
And now the door is open and she’s awake.
And then I opened the door.
Holly: “Look new kid you sit, you sleep, and you do it quietly!”
Bowser: *chooses zoomies*
Tractor Supply 12:30pm-4:00pm
Tractor Supply today from 12:30pm-4:00pm
Virtual puppy kisses are nothing compared to the real thing. Come out to Tullahoma Tractor Supply and get a real puppy kiss, and who knows, you may fall in love! #tullahomaanimalshelter #puppy #puppylove
Come say hi to Curley at Tullahoma Tractor Supply, he will be here until 4:30 on August 31 (today!) we just know you need a new buddy for Labor Day! #adoptdontshop #dog #tullahomaanimalshelter
Dear Citizen, We still have your ball of energy that we picked up three days ago. This was the reaction to just seeing Chris walking towards the door. This is more energy than we can contain on a Monday morning. If you are missing your puppy, please contact us.
Bruno is having issues getting his blanket just right.
Bruno is having issues getting his blanket just right.