But weaning is stressful no matter what species of livestock you are! New friends, new feeders, new barns, new enrichment toys ( LOVE THOSE CHAINS GUYS!!). Check out my new favorite fufu dust: FerAppease for hogs and cattle. It’s a cheap single topical application of maternal pheromone that lasts 14 days!!!
Been using it on mommas and babies on the hogs to prevent fighting, reduce post wean scours and weaned beef calves to reduce the bawl/respiratory breaks post wean. It’s a tool in the box, a fun one!! So go have fun!!!
FERA Diagnostics and Biologicals, Corp.
A HUGE thank you to my partners for gifting this amazing machine into my doctor bag! So many attachments, so many options for all of the livestock athletes I see❤️
This unfortunately is the handy work of a nasty little bacteria called strep suis. It’s considered a normal flora amongst most pigs unless bacterial numbers become overwhelming for babies… it then can lead to joint and even brain infection! Treatment so challenging we must focus on prevention… that starts in the first few hours of life!
#farmvet #largeanimalvet #veterinarian
Welcome to my happy place video! This hog is an outstanding animal and a tremendous healer❤️. A huge thank you to my girls at the Modesto Junior College Swine Unit for taking care of him!! And yes, I will be bribing the San Joaquin AgFest judge if necessary 😂superstar!!!
#largeanimalvet #farmvet #veterinarian #prolapse #rectalprolapse #prolapserecovery
Are you having a hard time getting staff to work nights and weekends on your farm? Consider hiring this robot. You will not find this guy at the Droid Depot at Disneyland or Walt Disney World, only at some of the local dairies working hard to push up feed to cows. Ask one of our doctors where you might see one in action.
#TheseAreNotTheDroidsYouAreLookingFor #RealCADairy #CowVet #DairyVet #Cows #Cattle #Dairy #DairyCows #CowComfort
Taking a little dance party break from the snare and blood draw is always good for morale! It’s a million degrees out and these chicas keep me loving my job on the daily❤️❤️❤️
A big thank you to all of our producers that are working hard to keep livestock as comfortable as possible this week! It’s not easy, but so appreciated!
#largeanimalvet #farmvet #veterinarian
Fly Spray
Fly Spraying with a backpack sprayer and Exit Gold Synergized
Aspen Veterinary Resources STIHL #cowvet #dairyvet #beefvet #flyspray #entomology #vetentomology
We asked the experts if they thought cow comfort was important. They were speechless. Consult with one of our veterinarians to learn how to improve cow comfort on your facility.
We asked the experts if they thought cow comfort was important. They were speechless. Consult with one of our veterinarians to learn how to improve cow comfort on your facility.
#massage #backscratcher #cowvet #dairyvet #cowcomfort
REAL CALIFORNIA MILK #RealCADairy #cows #cattle #dairy #dairycows #cowvet Lely TDR, Inc.
"A big thank you to everyone who trailers pigs from a LONG WAYS AWAY to the operating room aka my garage! A little heat in the recovery suite never hurts on a chilly day- these boys are ready to roll home after crypt surgery! Fingers crossed there’s a winner (or 3!) in the bunch! Travel safe:)"
#farmvet #largeanimalvet #veterinarian
Work hard, play hard! Took a break from the surgery table yesterday for some quality time with these littles of my favorite breed!! Berks are back !! Thank you Haley show stock for some “me” time with these future super stars!!
Haley Show Stock #farmvet #largeanimalvet #veterinarian