Did you know that pet waste can damage your lawn?! 👇🏼
🌿 Nitrogen Burn- excess salt, ammonia + nitrogen in the soil can damage the plant's ability to photosynthesize and cellularly respire, causing visible burns.
🌿 Soil Pollution- Even if your dog is healthy, that doesn’t mean their f***s is. It can quickly become a breeding ground for other harmful bacteria in the soil, such as salmonella and E. coli over time
🌿 Fungus - Fungi love moisture, and an extra nitrogen in the soil helps them grow and spread faster. Dog p**p provides a moist, nitrogen-rich environment where lawn-damaging fungi can thrive.
🌿 Parasites- dog f***s can transmit disease and parasites into your lawn which can live for years including - tape worm, hookworms, + parvo
🛑 STOP! Freaked out yet?! We can help take care of this problem + conduct weekly, biweekly, or monthly maintenance! Call for a FREE estimate! Prices starting at $17!(less than take out!)
📞 (205) 202-9256
✉️ [email protected]
📍 Tuscaloosa, AL