My name is Devon Carroll and I'm currently training to become a certified Equine Gestalt Coach through the Touched By A Horse program ( For those out there that are unfamiliar with this type of coaching, it's an “in the moment” experience where the horse is an active co-partner in the coaching and healing process. Using our combined wisdom and intuition, my equine partner
and I will guide you through your experiences to help you isolate the unfinished business that is causing you pain or blocking your path to success and happiness. The coaching sessions can take many different forms and are as unique as each individual who experiences the process. What is consistent throughout is that you will be treated with love and respect, and the coaching will be provided in a safe and nurturing environment. My primary focus upon graduating in December 2018 is going to center around trauma - specifically sexual abuse and PTSD. This is not to imply that I cannot help anyone outside of this realm (I can!) -- only that I have a very strong calling to focus on these areas after having experienced them both personally. Between now and the official launch of this business in December 2018, I am actively collecting emails to add to my database for my grand opening announcement (emails are for personal use only and will never be shared or spammed!). If you would like to be added to my database list, please send me your email address at [email protected].