Meet “Chaka”!
Vantan and Kotu could not be more proud of “Chaka”. She began and finished her AKC Champion title from the bred-by class at 6 months of age over Specials in two weekends with her first Group placement! Thank you Judges for rewarding her quality and Judge Gayle Denman for the Group placement. 🙏🏾🤎🐩
We are delighted, way to go Chaka!! 🤎🐩
Ch Vantan Kotu’s Hold My Beer!
(Sire Ch Kiyara The Player x Dam Ch Vantans An Affair To Remember
Bred and owned by Barb Tannahill & Bruce Swift of Vantan Miniature poodles and Kotu Poodles.
My hope when the breeding was planned that it might produce a nice little brown miniature female…I got my wish and she’s been perfect. 🤎🐩🥰
For now “Chaka” gets to grow up and enjoy her best poodle puppy life and grow coat. Look for her in the spring when she begins her Specials career!