Hey IG Playland Equestrian Center friends!
My personal Facebook account: GlendaPlayer, which manages as the only administrative role to Playland Equestrian Facebook public page has been suspended and disabled wrongfully. I have no connections to IG account " wesbdgwjr217." I have gotten no help from Facebook or IG when trying to resolve this issue. Additionally, I had three charges from Meta through my PayPal account. Which have not been resolved as well.
While I do still have the Playland Equestrian Center page, I have no way of posting on it. I * might* be starting a new ( but hopefully not) page depending on how this matter is resolved. Feel free to contact me through my email on my website: Www.playlandequestriancenter.com
PS - I did not approve that login and yet it seemed to be able to still hack me.