Comfy Critters

Comfy Critters We offer Boarding, DaySchool, Virtual Zoom coaching, Virtual Self study program,Service Dog coaching I was hooked from the beginning. Why?

Background history on who I am and why I believe it is so important to socialize puppies and begin training right away. When I was 8 years old my aunt handed me the leash to her red Doberman who she regularly showed and began to show me how to work with him. Living a life in the country I had spent a lot of time with animals. Our barn was full of wild barn cats which I spent hours wit

h taming them. I lived and breathed animals. Wild animals, domesticated animals, I spent as much time with them always observing how they interacted with each other, how they communicated with each other. I believe it built the basis of how I work with animals. No one ever told me that I wasn't allowed to teach my barn cat to ride along on the back of my pony while we went out exploring. Or that baby bunnies usually don't make it when brought in from the wild (which my cat brought me many woodland creatures that I always nursed back to health). I learned their language and worked with them. If I needed to be quiet with them, I was. If I needed to bring more energy to the situation, I did. Very shy with people as a child, animals made a lot more sense to me. When I was in my senior year of high school, I was given the opportunity to go to the Vocational Center for animal care. I was finally working with something that I was passionate about. I graduated out of the program early and the highest of my class. I was immediately put out in the work force during those hours and began working at the Calhoun Area Humane Society. I volunteered with a woman who worked with dogs from the shelter that showed potential for leader dogs for the blind. We spent many Saturdays and days through the week working with potential dogs. Teaching them first the basics of good manners; how to sit, to not jump up, to lay down, to stay, heal. Then we began to take them out on the town. We put them on the sky walk, to encourage them to walk on different surfaces; we walked around all four corners of an intersection so they could be comfortable around traffic, to get use to the sound of the walk signal, to sit quietly by our sides. While working at the Humane Society a fat little rolly polly six week old pitbull mix puppy came in. I kept him with me during his stray time and was allowed to adopt him after his stray time (at the time any pitbull or pitbull mix were not allowed to be adopted out to the public). I socialized him around everything. I took him with me to as many places as he was allowed. I knew the more he saw, smelled and touched the more well-rounded a dog he would be later in life. Pitbulls really carried a bad rap at the time (over 20 years ago) and I wanted Titus to be exposed to as many dogs as he could. I didn't want him aggressive towards other dogs or afraid. He always played well with any dog he was around. Because I had exposed him to many different dogs and he learned how to be a social animal. He was excellent around children, elderly, and other animals. How did I make this magic happen? All by socializing him to these things in the first four and a half months of his life. What you exposed your puppy to in the first four and a half months of life will affect them for the rest of their lives.


Team Izzy and Luna have been working with Christin for the last two years. This was their last PAT test and they rocked it! Service dog coaching helps owner training teams mitigate through how to train their own service dogs. Though the USA does not require any service dog certification, teams work hard to make sure they can safely work out in public with their dogs. Here at Comfy Critters Pet Services, Christin works hard to help teams feel confident. If you’re interested in how that looks. Take a look at our website here:

🐕Wednesday evening’s are our Basic Good Manners class night.   On our third week of class, we took our 7-8pm class outsi...

🐕Wednesday evening’s are our Basic Good Manners class night.

On our third week of class, we took our 7-8pm class outside and Christin introduced a focus game that creates our dogs to reorient back to us. She then had pet parents help their dogs to become comfortable with Hulu hoops and we then played a fun game of musical Hulu hoops, practicing loose leash walking around other dogs and learning stays with duration. We worked on three position changes of sit, down and stand and then learned how to teach those positions with a verbal cue. We ended our outdoor time with more practice of loose leash walking, learning to reward beside our leg while moving. Not always an easy feat! It definitely takes practice but our classes both were up to the challenge!

Comfy Critter Pet Services-Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!
Christin Benoit Cpdt-ka, SDC

Our last series of Basic Good Manners classes for the year will begin Oct 2nd and will go for 7 weeks. A perfect time to prepare your dogs for holiday traffic! If you want to be put on this list, please make sure you reach out to Christin. Enrollment will begin for that series next week.

🐕Wednesday evening’s are our Basic Good Manners class night.   On our third week of class, we took our 5:30-6:30pm class...

🐕Wednesday evening’s are our Basic Good Manners class night.

On our third week of class, we took our 5:30-6:30pm class outside and Christin introduced a focus game that creates our dogs to reorient back to us. She then had pet parents help their dogs to become comfortable with Hulu hoops and we then played a fun game of musical Hulu hoops, practicing loose leash walking around other dogs and learning stays with duration. We worked on three position changes of sit, down and stand and then learned how to teach those positions with a verbal cue. We ended our outdoor time with more practice of loose leash walking, learning to reward beside our leg while moving. Not always an easy feat! It definitely takes practice but our classes both were up to the challenge!

Comfy Critter Pet Services-Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!
Christin Benoit Cpdt-ka, SDC

Our last series of Basic Good Manners classes for the year will begin Oct 2nd and will go for 7 weeks. A perfect time to prepare your dogs for holiday traffic! If you want to be put on this list, please make sure you reach out to Christin. Enrollment will begin for that series next week.

    Let’s see those happy pups!🐶  Post your pictures below!

Let’s see those happy pups!🐶 Post your pictures below!

📸It’s a Quick Snap Saturday!📸   Comfy Critters Pet Services had four little new additions join the farm about a month ag...

📸It’s a Quick Snap Saturday!📸

Comfy Critters Pet Services had four little new additions join the farm about a month ago. These little goat babies are working hard at getting our poison ivy under control around the farm. They will also be joining Christin for some future animal training workshops. Anyone interested in learning how to train with a different species✋🏻? Keep an eye out for classes coming this fall.

Let’s see what your furry friends have been up to… post your pictures below ⬇️.

Wednesday nights are our Basic Good Manners Class and last Wednesday our dogs joined their human partners for class for ...

Wednesday nights are our Basic Good Manners Class and last Wednesday our dogs joined their human partners for class for the first time. 🐕

We started our 7-8pm class off allowing our teams to take about 15 minutes and go for a sniff walk in the hayfield. Then students came into class and rewarded at their feet allowing dogs to take an opportunity to sniff and get use to their new environment. We then played “around the world” and switch places to allow dogs to sniff where the other dogs had been.
Christin then taught the class to gain focus with their dogs. Because..”where the dog’s eyes go, the dog will go”. We played “find my face” and “Watch me” games.

We then worked on some simple luring games teaching position changes and quickly fading the lure out (treat in hand).

We ended the class learning “with me” or “come into heel” ,the first position of beside us for loose leash walking.

Students did an amazing job! I can’t wait to see them build on their skills tonight!

Comfy Critters Pet Services-Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!

Christin Benoit Cpdt-ka, SDC, CGC evaluator
Reward based certified professional dog trainer
Certified Service Dog Coach

Wednesday nights are our Basic Good Manners Class and last Wednesday our dogs joined their human partners for class for ...

Wednesday nights are our Basic Good Manners Class and last Wednesday our dogs joined their human partners for class for the first time. 🐕

We started our 5:30-6:30pm class off allowing our teams to take about 15 minutes and go for a sniff walk in the hayfield. Then students came into class and rewarded at their feet allowing dogs to take an opportunity to sniff and get use to their new environment. We then played “around the world” and switch places to allow dogs to sniff where the other dogs had been.
Christin then taught the class to gain focus with their dogs. Because..”where the dog’s eyes go, the dog will go”. We played “find my face” and “Watch me” games.

We then worked on some simple luring games teaching position changes and quickly fading the lure out (treat in hand).

We ended the class learning “with me” or “come into heel” ,the first position of beside us for loose leash walking.

Students did an amazing job! I can’t wait to see them build on their skills tonight!

Comfy Critters Pet Services-Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!

Christin Benoit Cpdt-ka, SDC, CGC evaluator
Reward based certified professional dog trainer
Certified Service Dog Coach

🗣Let’s talk a little bit about puppy raising.  🐶It is such an exciting time in your life. Those adorable fluffy babies w...

🗣Let’s talk a little bit about puppy raising.

🐶It is such an exciting time in your life. Those adorable fluffy babies with their sweet little baby breath, tiny little toes and just all around cuteness attracts even the toughest of people. 👹
🍼 But let’s face it, raising a puppy, no matter what breed they are is hard work. From early morning potty runs outside, keeping an ever present eye on them,to making sure they have their needs met….it is hard work.

Let me give you a few helpful pointers in raising a puppy….
🐾Take a breath and just enjoy these moments, they pass so very quickly and before you know it, you will have forgotten the chewed shoes, the late night zoomies, and the constant care.
🐾 Set your home and your puppy up for success. When I bring a puppy home I make sure I have a small confinement area (like a kennel or crate) set up and then also a large confinement area like a X-pen set up with a potty area(a small box with pine litter works amazingly),toys, a comfy place to rest and some water. You cannot always keep your eyes on your puppy. So set them up in an area that is around the family where they are safe but have good choices to chew on. They don’t know what is ok and what isn’t. We have to show them. Keep them tethered on a leash with you when they are out playing. Always keeping an eye on them.
🐾Put your puppy on a schedule. Feed three times a day until they are about four months old, work some small little training sessions in while hand feeding them, work play in there, rest time and lots of potty out times. Sometimes that can feel like every 20 minutes! Take them out for potty when they wake up from a nap, when they have had a play session, after eating, etc
🐾 Give your puppy lots of love and pay attention to what makes her scared, be her safe place always! That way she will learn to trust you. Don’t ever force her into scary situations but instead allow her to explore from a safe distance with you being her support and encourager.
🐾 Sign up for my Pawsitive Puppy Experience! If you haven’t checked this out yet, go to our website: HTTPS:// and find the home study program. There is 88 learning videos in this in home study program that you can work at your own pace that will set you up for setting a strong foundation. It is a wonderful way to get started with that brand new puppy or one you have had for a few weeks but need some guidance.

And congratulations on your newest addition! Dogs are wonderful companions!

Comfy Critters Pet Services ~Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!
Christin Benoit Cpdt-ka, SDC, CGC evaluator
Certified professional dog trainer
Certified Service Dog Coach
Canine Good Citizen evaluator

🍐 When Margaret was a little over 3 1/2 months old like she is in this picture. She would love to find “treasures” all d...

🍐 When Margaret was a little over 3 1/2 months old like she is in this picture. She would love to find “treasures” all day long. (This treasure was a pear from our tree) When she would, instead of pouncing on her or yelling at her to give me what she had found. I always would make a big deal over her pretty “treasure”. 💰
Sometimes it was her toy 🧸and we would play and have fun with it( because I would like to have her choose that more often then my shoe). 👟 Sometimes she would bring me a shoe, or her human brother’s headphones. 🎧. But each item I would tell her in a singsong voice “ 🎶 oh Margaret, what do you got” and she happily would bring it and still does. I pet her and exchange the forbidden items with a cookie 🍪 . The ok items, I gently hold, because she willingly gives them to me, I make all over them. Gushing about how great they are and then.... I hand it back to her. You see, the more we build this trust, the more she won’t hesitate to hand me things. I try to always puppy proof, but sometimes things still get left out. For Margaret, it isn’t something that she needs to grab and run with, because, well it is a lot more fun to show mom and maybe even get a cookie for it. 🍪

Remember, we are setting up habits for a lifetime when they are puppies. I would much rather have my puppy or dog bring me that dirty underwear “ treasure”, then to run off with it under the bed and eat it.
Set your puppy up for success, just like when your child brings you a dandelion 🌸 and you make over how special that is, work hard to do the same with your puppy. Especially when they are playing with appropriate toys. The more you do, the more they will keep choosing those items. When they bring you something that they shouldn’t be playing with, don’t make such a big deal about it, but exchange it for an appropriate item and play, play, play with them. You will see, they will begin to play with items that get them the most attention.
Do you have a new puppy? Make sure you get signed up for are Pawsitive Puppy Experience. You will find the link to our at home study program here:
Comfy Critters Pet Services ~Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!

📸 It’s a Quick Snap Saturday!📸    I was working on some schoolwork at the computer and heard a quiet “woooof”… I looked ...

📸 It’s a Quick Snap Saturday!📸

I was working on some schoolwork at the computer and heard a quiet “woooof”… I looked up to see this😁. “Yes, Winston, what an excellent idea.. let’s go for a walk!”

What have your furry friends been up to? Post your pictures below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

🐕 Wednesday evening’s are our Basic Good Manners class night. Last Wednesday started this new series of students where C...

🐕 Wednesday evening’s are our Basic Good Manners class night. Last Wednesday started this new series of students where Christin taught dog caretakers on the three keys to success in working with their dogs.
🐶and then training

Christin taught her human students a bit about how dogs(and people) learn. With games, laughter, some smiling, waving and a bit of dancing…. Students learned that “learning can be fun for both you and your dog!”

Comfy Critters Pet Services-Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!
Christin Benoit-Cpdt-ka, SDC, CGC evaluator.

As a dog trainer with treats usually left in my pants pocket, a common phrase you will hear around here is....”Winston! ...

As a dog trainer with treats usually left in my pants pocket, a common phrase you will hear around here is....”Winston! Get out of my pants👖!
😬What crazy things do you say to your dogs that would leave your neighbors wondering about...??

Sunday funny. 🤣🐾

Sunday funny. 🤣🐾

📸 It’s a Quick Snap Saturday!📸  Who else had a sleepy hound this week?🤷🏼‍♀️.  Winston ChurchHound says the heat of earli...

📸 It’s a Quick Snap Saturday!📸

Who else had a sleepy hound this week?🤷🏼‍♀️. Winston ChurchHound says the heat of earlier this week was perfect for staying snuggled under the covers in the air!

Let’s see what your furry friends have been up to. Post your pictures below ⬇️⬇️

🌻Happy Saturday!🌻


Tip Thursday

Have treats in multiple rooms for easy treating. This is our after bathroom and living room stash. This tip us especially helpful when raising puppies.

🛑An important reminder🛑

🛑An important reminder🛑

Here’s an important reminder for ! 🐕‍🦺

Today’s free article is all about service dogs. Discover more about their importance here:




🐕Teaching a skill that is so important should start in the most simplest way to build success! 🏃‍♀️Take for example, having your dog learn to come running to you when you call them! Often people just assume that their dog knows what this means. But what if I told you…..most don’t! 😱 I will often hear that when a person calls their dog they will sometimes come and sometimes don’t and that they are just being stubborn. I will usually ask the person very kindly, “ how does your dog know what come means?” Has this been a cue that you taught and then proofed over and over and over? Often people tell me that their dog just knows. But just like teaching a cue like sit or down, teaching “come” needs to be taught. It is a more complex skill. 🤔 Think about it, most of the time when we call our dog, they are off leash doing their own thing. The world 🌎 is in competition for you calling your dog! And if you haven’t made it exactly a great thing to do when you called them, they just might decide that what is more rewarding is checking out last nights bunny trail through the yard. 🐇 Winston ChurchHound loves playing the Name Game! I started when he was just a puppy. I would call his name once and when he looked at me, I would give him a reward next to my leg. I practiced this many times during the day. Winston has a great association with his name. I could have also added the word “come” when he started walking towards me, I just happen to use their name as my cue to come find me.🥩 Try it this week, grab some amazing, yummy rewards, break them up in 15 little pea size morsels and get started on your way to teaching your dog a great reaction to calling out “ 🎶 Fidoooo, COME🎶”. (Practice this two to three times a day and watch your dog happily look to you when calling them)🐾Comfy Critters Pet Services~Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!🐾 Www.ComfyCrittersPetServices.comChristin Benoit-CPDT-KA. SDC Positive Reward based certified professional dog trainer. Certified Service Dog Coach. Believing in the Science of Reward Based training.

🐶Happy Saturday from your Dog’s Vacation Destination!Enrichment boarding isn’t just sitting in a cage all day…. Have you...

🐶Happy Saturday from your Dog’s Vacation Destination!

Enrichment boarding isn’t just sitting in a cage all day…. Have you booked your dog’s Vacation at Michigan’s best kept secret 🤫?

🐩Comfy Critters Pet Services-Your Dog’s Vacation Destination🐕

🐾Enrichment boarding
🐾personalized care
🐾owners live on site
🐾country environment
🐾individual suites in climate controlled building
🐾Limited space, individual care
🐾located in Union City, Michigan

Fear is the easiest thing to condition into dogs and the hardest to resolve, so it is important to understand where fear...

Fear is the easiest thing to condition into dogs and the hardest to resolve, so it is important to understand where fear comes from so we can work to prevent it.

📸 It’s a Quick Snap Saturday!📸   Winston ChurchHound is wondering what all of his friends have been up to this week! Pos...

📸 It’s a Quick Snap Saturday!📸

Winston ChurchHound is wondering what all of his friends have been up to this week! Post your pictures below of your furry, feathery, scaly, etc friends below ⬇️

☀️Happy Saturday! 🌻

💔 Today I want to talk a little bit about grief.   In each of these pictures are pets that were cherished and loved by m...

💔 Today I want to talk a little bit about grief.

In each of these pictures are pets that were cherished and loved by me. 📖 Each carry a written story full of memories on my heart. We spent cherished time walking this life together and as the years unfolded we weaved together beautiful stories of love with one another.❤️

⌛️ But as time tends to do, our stories have to end together as they each, one by one, left me through death and I had to continue walking on in this life. It is the after that I want to talk about today….

💔Grieving a pet is hard. Often they have slept with us for endless nights, some of them gave us purpose, others just gave us comfort and when they die it leaves a hole🕳 deep in our hearts. One that not everyone understands. Some say “ It was just a dog or cat or goat or whatever, you can get another one”. But they did not live the story with that cherished pet. They do not understand how hard it is to process. Because often a person who has lost a pet feels like they cannot freely grieve and take the time to go through the denial, the anger, the heart wrenching ache, to cry 😭 the tears that pour out from the sweet memories of that soul and how it crossed paths with your soul intertwining itself with your heart.

Grieving is as much a process as falling in love. It does not happen overnight. If you have lost a pet, be kind to yourself. Allow the time to feel the loss, to talk about it and then to eventually allow the memories to become a comfort. If you know someone that has lost a pet, stop🛑 and listen to them. Honor them their grief. Often pets are with a person more than any other soul. Be a support to them.

Today I think about my beautiful Bailey girl, my Jersey milk cow who I had loved for ten years. Her story is woven deep in my heart. From having my dad by my side as we went to look at her, to teaching my kids and many many many others to milk 🥛her. When I close my eyes and see my precious girl, I see my grown children still home, my dad still alive, my loved ones close, my grand daughters petting her sweet head. I see experiences of learning to make butter 🧈 and then even teaching a class on making butter. I feel soft hair, smell sweet hay, hear gentle chewing as she chewed her cud. I see trust, love and a bond that comes in time. I feel raspy tongue licks as she happily sees me. Memories are a gift that comes with grief. Hold them close.🌼

I would love to hear your stories of your beloveds. Please share below , many of our clients have had to say goodbye recently and begun the process of grief.


Displacement behavior in dogs is best recognized as out of place or odd behavior that doesn't seem to fit the context surrounding it.

When you get one of the most loveliest gifts in the mail from one of your students! Wow!!! This is beautiful Kathy! Than...

When you get one of the most loveliest gifts in the mail from one of your students! Wow!!! This is beautiful Kathy! Thank you to you and River. ❤️🐾

🏫August was 14 weeks old in this picture when he joined me over a year ago as a SDit project puppy.   🐶When having a pup...

🏫August was 14 weeks old in this picture when he joined me over a year ago as a SDit project puppy.

🐶When having a puppy, it is important that we help them explore and see all types of different things in their world before they reach 4 months. We call that socialization. (The four “S’s” sight, smell, surfaces and sounds)
☀️ When we do that in safe positive experiences, we create lots of branches in their brain 🧠 that they draw on to learn from for the rest of their lives! 🌳Imagine a tree that gets lots of branches and each one of those branches send out small little shoots. That is what the brain does when we help our puppy explore their world in wonderful safe ways.

🪧 When I say safe, I mean we don’t force them into scary experiences and just leave them to flounder.🐟 We help them and encourage them by exploring with them or holding them as they see new things when they are really little.

⚽️ Check out this fun enrichment confidence building course I came up with when he joined us. Do you see how there is plenty of different sights, surfaces , and with scattering yummy dried meats he used his sense of smell to explore?

🐕Do you have a new puppy? What are some ways you can help your puppy learn about their surroundings, called socialization, through sight, smell, surfaces and sounds?

Have you signed up for our virtual puppy course yet? This is an excellent way to learn with your puppy in the comfort of your home! Here is the link. Go sign up today!

🐾Comfy Critters Pet Services~Where learning is fun for both you and your dog!🐾
Christin Benoit-Cpdt-ka, SDC, CGC evaluator
CPDT-certified professional dog trainer
SDC-certified Service dog coach

Believing in the science of positive reinforcement!


Union City, MI

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 4pm - 5pm




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Our Story

Introduction Background history on who I am and why I believe it is so important to socialize puppies and begin training right away. When I was 8 years old my aunt handed me the leash to her red Doberman who she regularly showed and began to show me how to work with him. I was hooked from the beginning. Living a life in the country I had spent a lot of time with animals. Our barn was full of wild barn cats which I spent hours with taming them. I lived and breathed animals. Wild animals, domesticated animals, I spent as much time with them always observing how they interacted with each other, how they communicated with each other. I believe it built the basis of how I work with animals. No one ever told me that I wasn't allowed to teach my barn cat to ride along on the back of my pony while we went out exploring. Or that baby bunnies usually don't make it when brought in from the wild (which my cat brought me many woodland creatures that I always nursed back to health). I learned their language and worked with them. If I needed to be quiet with them, I was. If I needed to bring more energy to the situation, I did. Very shy with people as a child, animals made a lot more sense to me. When I was in my senior year of high school, I was given the opportunity to go to the Vocational Center for animal care. I was finally working with something that I was passionate about. I graduated out of the program early and the highest of my class. I was immediately put out in the work force during those hours and began working at the Calhoun Area Humane Society. I volunteered with a woman who worked with dogs from the shelter that showed potential for leader dogs for the blind. We spent many Saturdays and days through the week working with potential dogs. Teaching them first the basics of good manners; how to sit, to not jump up, to lay down, to stay, heal. Then we began to take them out on the town. We put them on the sky walk, to encourage them to walk on different surfaces; we walked around all four corners of an intersection so they could be comfortable around traffic, to get use to the sound of the walk signal, to sit quietly by our sides. While working at the Humane Society a fat little rolly polly six week old pitbull mix puppy came in. I kept him with me during his stray time and was allowed to adopt him after his stray time (at the time any pitbull or pitbull mix were not allowed to be adopted out to the public). I socialized him around everything. I took him with me to as many places as he was allowed. I knew the more he saw, smelled and touched the more well-rounded a dog he would be later in life. Pitbulls really carried a bad rap at the time (over 20 years ago) and I wanted Titus to be exposed to as many dogs as he could. I didn't want him aggressive towards other dogs or afraid. He always played well with any dog he was around. Why? Because I had exposed him to many different dogs and he learned how to be a social animal. He was excellent around children, elderly, and other animals. How did I make this magic happen? All by socializing him to these things in the first four and a half months of his life. What you exposed your puppy to in the first four and a half months of life will affect them for the rest of their lives.

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