Loyal Loved Rescued Canine Obedience

Loyal Loved Rescued Canine Obedience Shannon Dunhoft, CCUI, works with to help you communicate with your dog in a fun, force free way.

We are nearly a week post surgery, and Garmin’s recovery is going well.  Garmin has been feeling very much himself since...

We are nearly a week post surgery, and Garmin’s recovery is going well. Garmin has been feeling very much himself since Saturday, and he still can’t run or play with Gracie, so the safest place for him is often in this little recovery area. I often mention to clients that I believe all dogs should be crate trained whether they intend to crate or not, and this is one of the reasons why. When he was at the vet he had to be crated both before and after the procedure, and when he’s home, he’s spent a lot of time in his recovery suite. Neither things bothered him. Even if you don’t crate your dogs daily (Garmin IS crated daily), it’s not a bad thing to get them used to. He will be back to running and playing in no time, but for now he’s snoring away and I think enjoying the pampered like of recovery. He also says thanks for all the good vibes you have sent him. Oh, and Gracie says hi and she can’t wait to be able to play with him again! Happy training and happy dogs.

Garmin had surgery on Wednesday. He had three masses removed, and he’s on the road to recovery. The first 24 hours was r...

Garmin had surgery on Wednesday. He had three masses removed, and he’s on the road to recovery. The first 24 hours was rough, but he’s looking more alert and himself today. But, that also means more time in the donut because he’s more awake and active. While wearing it is no big deal because we worked on it, figuring out how to sleep has been a challenge, but he’s working it out. Big thanks to Pet Wellness Group for taking such good care of him while he was there Wednesday and for following up yesterday. Happy training and happy dogs.


Garmin has to have surgery in a couple weeks and it will result in him having to wear a cone for a few days, and he’s notorious about not liking new things, so we have been working slowly on making him comfortable with this inflatable donut. This is our third session. First session was with it not at all inflated, second session was with it halfway inflated, and this is almost all the way inflated. He’s being reinforced for being okay with it around his neck, being fastened and unfastened. In later lessons, I tossed treats for him to run and get to get used to moving with it on. When your dog needs to wear something (a cone, panties for dogs in heat, booties, etc), it’s always a good idea to practice BEFORE you need it. Be proactive in your planning and don’t rush the process. And training in your pajamas is always encouraged. Happy Training and Hapoy Dogs.

Hi guys. I know it’s been a loooooong time, so I felt I owed everyone a bit of an explanation of where I’ve been.  After...

Hi guys. I know it’s been a loooooong time, so I felt I owed everyone a bit of an explanation of where I’ve been. After classes ended in July, I took a much needed break to focus on my own aging pups (Gracie just turned 14 and Garmin is nearly 12) and myself.

Compassion fatigue is real—and working a day job all day where I am needed in so many ways and then training at night weighed on my emotional well being a bit. More than I realized at the time, I think. I LOVE all of you and your dogs, but so much goes into making sure that everyone, dog most importantly, is happy and thriving, and sometimes I was doing all of that at a detriment to myself. And I knew I couldn’t continue at the pace I was going and be good to anyone.

After I took the summer off, I had fully intended to launch new classes for the fall, but I wasn’t getting many inquiries or interest and as a small business, I have to have enough clients interested to make launching a class a financially sound decision. Factor in the fact that my day job of teaching high school has come with increasing pressures, and the numerous daycares that have opened that have full time trainers on board, and my little part time business became harder to maintain, which was another added stress.

When I launched this business, I was filling six classes a week and often had people on wait lists. I was reaching lots of people, classes were going well, and I was able to help and support hundreds of families, many of them repeat clients who came back for more classes and helped my business become strong. Sadly, since my business shutdown in 2020, I’ve had a difficult time filling classes and because of my limited availability, being competitive became increasingly difficult. And in a “quick fix” society, my style of “slow is fast” training is sometimes a harder sell. But it’s the heart of my business, and who I am as an owner and trainer and that will never change. Ever.

If you were a potential client who reached out over the last few months, I apologize— I really stepped back and tried to give myself a chance to breathe and regroup and think about what was next. I know it wasn’t the most professional way to handle it, but all I can do now is apologize and move forward.

To former clients who have reached out—I deeply, sincerely apologize if I’ve overlooked you. My business wouldn’t be anywhere without you guys. Please reach out again if I can help.

I’m weighing options on a possible rebrand and relaunch in the coming months. I truly miss watching the lightbulb moments (for dogs and humans), I miss laughing at your dogs’ antics, celebrating your successes, and watching your relationship with your dog grow. But, I had to take a step back and make sure I was also taking care of my dogs and myself.

So, for now, enjoy some pics of my dogs over the last few months. Know I miss you. I care about you, and I hope to be back soon. As always, remember that happy training makes happy dogs…and humans. Be kind to each other. Be kind to yourself. And be kind to your dogs. ❤️

Meet the newest Canine Good Citizens (and my most recent Intermediate Skills Graduates) Trapper and River. Both these te...

Meet the newest Canine Good Citizens (and my most recent Intermediate Skills Graduates) Trapper and River. Both these teams came a long way in their classes and I’m so proud of how hard they worked. I’m sure I will see them both again. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Sometimes your dogs just don’t cooperate, but the end result is better than any posed picture could be. Enjoy the imperf...

Sometimes your dogs just don’t cooperate, but the end result is better than any posed picture could be. Enjoy the imperfections. Embrace every moment. And share the silly pictures. ❤️. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

I’m having a new air conditioner installed today. That means loud noises, strange voices and general chaos. Earlier I wa...

I’m having a new air conditioner installed today. That means loud noises, strange voices and general chaos. Earlier I was reinforcing each of them with pieces of kibble when they heard a noise, but for Garmin who is on high alert all the time, being loose to go investigate every noise was stressing him (and Gracie) out. I decided he needed a safe space. Garmin loves his crate, but it is in the basement where most of the work is occurring, but this crate (which used to be Gracie’s) is upstairs. I decided this was the best place for him today so he could actually relax. After a few minutes, I had this from both of them. This is why I advocate for at least teaching your dog to be comfortable in a crate even if you don’t use it all the time. Because you never know when you may need it. Sometimes a little prep work, management, and providing your dog with a safe space is what you need to turn a stressful event into a more tolerable one. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.


I know it’s been quiet here. I’ve been focused on spending a lot of time with Gracie (who is now 13.5) and Garmin (who is nearly 11). As they get older, focusing on quality time with them feels increasingly important, as I am sure you guys know and understand. Gracie is a little too old now for long walks (though she loves her daily short jaunts with me), so we focus on other ways to stimulate her brain. She and I took scent work classes a couple of years ago, and though we never competed, she always excelled at it and enjoyed it. We haven’t practiced in a while, but last night I hid a few treats in my kitchen and she went right to work. Working your dog doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive., but it should be something your dog enjoys (even if their silly brother crashes the party). Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Check out Trapper and River on a little field trip to Lowes.  Neither dog had been there before and they both did great....

Check out Trapper and River on a little field trip to Lowes. Neither dog had been there before and they both did great. I am incredibly impressed with their ability to walk by one another in a tight aisle as they LOVE each other and want to play all the time. I love watching these teams work each week. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

As we approach summer and we are venturing to do outdoor things, this becomes increasingly important to remember. Not al...

As we approach summer and we are venturing to do outdoor things, this becomes increasingly important to remember. Not all dogs love all things. Forcing your dog to do an activity just because you enjoy it is not fun for your dog. Remember to meet the needs of the dog in front of you. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

River and Trapper are back!  These boys are starting Intermediate Skills and already are back on the groove. Happy Train...

River and Trapper are back! These boys are starting Intermediate Skills and already are back on the groove. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Garmin and Gracie are looking for anyone who needs training for their dog in May. I have three spots in my Basic Skills ...

Garmin and Gracie are looking for anyone who needs training for their dog in May. I have three spots in my Basic Skills class starting at 6:30 May 1 and I have 2 spots open for my Intermediate Skills class starting at 7:40 that same night. Classes are held in Florence, they are small so everyone gets one on one attention , and did I mention that they are a lot of fun? If you are interested, please enroll here: https://forms.gle/ZjQf4vWM8PP5nFYu9. Question? Post below or email me at [email protected]. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Don't be like Garmin and sleep through your opportunity to join our next Basic Skills class: https://forms.gle/ZjQf4vWM8...

Don't be like Garmin and sleep through your opportunity to join our next Basic Skills class: https://forms.gle/ZjQf4vWM8PP5nFYu9

Class is $175 and lasts 8 weeks. You will have a dog free orientation on night one and then your dogs come the following class. If we don't fill at least three spots, we will push start date back. I do require a $50 deposit via PayPal to hold your spot and the remaining balance would be due the first night of class.

If you have questions, please let me know. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Happy Saturday, all! Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough people enroll in the Basic Skills class that was scheduled to s...

Happy Saturday, all! Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough people enroll in the Basic Skills class that was scheduled to start on April 17, so I am pushing the start date back to May 1 at 6:30. This is an 8 week course that is $175. Discounts are available for rescue and shelter dogs. The Intermediate Skills Class scheduled to start tomorrow has also been pushed back to May 1 at 7:40, pending enrollment numbers. If you are interested in either of these classes, comment below, enroll via the website (www.llrcanineobedience.com), or email me at [email protected].

Please note that Intermediate skills is limited to teams who have taken Basic Skills with me previously. And dogs enrolling in Basic Skills need to be dog and people social. That means they have to be able to exist happily in a space with other dogs and people. That does not mean they have to interact. In fact, we keep dogs apart to reduce stress and to help them learn to focus in the presence of other teams. If your dog barks excessively or shuts down around other dogs, a group class may not be for you.

If you have questions if either class is right for your dog, please reach out.

Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Congrats to these handsome boys (and their amazing people) for completing Basic Skills. Tonight we worked on some more a...

Congrats to these handsome boys (and their amazing people) for completing Basic Skills. Tonight we worked on some more advanced behaviors and they both did awesome. Both plan to come back in April for Intermediate Skills, so keep an eye out for their progress.

Also, new Basic Skills will start Monday, April 17 at 6:30pm. There are only four spots available. If you had previously inquired, please head to my website (www.LLRcanineobedience.com) to officially fill out the enrollment form and I will be touch! Happy Training and Happy Dogs.


Trapper and River are nearing the end of their Basic Skills journey. Tonight I decided to try to increase the difficulty of some leash walking games. Here we are using a version of Leslie McDevitt’s Chair Game from her Control Unleashed program. These games rely on patterns. In this game, the treat is placed on the chair, and when the dog looks at the handler, they move to the next chair. what made this challenging tonight is that I actually had the teams crossing paths and not working parallel. Both of these dogs are under 7 months old and they LOVE to play together, but they conquered this lime it was nothing. you may also notice that both dogs are on harness (and Trapper is nearly hands free) and we are getting LOVELY leash walking. When you trust your training and stop relying on the tools to do all the work, you get brilliant results. And very happy dogs. I’m so proud of these two teams and how far they have come in such a short time.

Happy Training. Happy Dogs.

Monday Basic clients: No class tonight. This will push our end date to March 27. Potential clients: new basic skills wil...

Monday Basic clients: No class tonight. This will push our end date to March 27. Potential clients: new basic skills will start April 17. Check the website for enrollment forms in the next 24 hours.

Happy Training and Happy Dogs.


Check out River showing off his leash walking skills! For a young, exuberant puppy, this is outstanding. Notice, too, that Allie is getting this behavior on a back clip harness—it’s a myth that a harness will cause a dog to pull. Dogs pull because that’s what has always been reinforcing to them, so in class we teach them not pulling pays off more. As a fun added bonus: anyone know what kind of dog this handsome boy is? Post your guesses below. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.


Check out River (and Allie) and Trapper (and Allison) working on the “one for you, one for me” game. This is a version of teaching an error free leave it. The dog learns there is no need to go for the pile of food because if he is patient, he will get reinforced for that good choice. We gradually make this harder as we progress through the steps. I’d like to point out three things: first thing is that these dogs had just started working on this maybe 2-3 minutes before I started filming. The second thing is that I want you to notice how quiet and calm this exercise is. The dogs are chilled out, there’s no cue or correction. Just reinforcing very good choices. Third thing? Look at those tails go. These boys are having a blast.

For those interested in Basic Skills, it looks like a new one will start on March 27. And those looking for Intermediate, we are looking at an April start date. I tentatively have only one spot in that Intermediate as I have three people who have already expressed interest.

Happy Training and Happy Dogs.


Tonight we started on mat work. We did this primarily through shaping. When we started, Trapoer would sit on the mat, but he would not lay down. After a little work and a lot of patience, it suddenly clicked and he was offering the finished behavior like a pro. When he is offering it consistently, we will add a verbal cue, but for now, look at this good, happy boy! Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Gracie is giving hard core Sunday vibes this morning. We hope you all enjoy the day! Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Gracie is giving hard core Sunday vibes this morning. We hope you all enjoy the day! Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

I can’t believe I forgot to share these cuties!  This is my new batch of Basic Skills clients. We started a few weeks ag...

I can’t believe I forgot to share these cuties! This is my new batch of Basic Skills clients. We started a few weeks ago. Wonder why I didn’t announce a new class? Because it filled up before I could officially advertise! Those previous students waiting on intermediate, be on the lookout soon. Anyone looking for a Basic Skills class, I won’t have another open until late March. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Today the heart and soul of LLR Canine turns 13...and even though she is slowing down and sleeping more, she still loves...

Today the heart and soul of LLR Canine turns 13...and even though she is slowing down and sleeping more, she still loves walks, training, treats and snuggles. I am so fortunate that I get to share my life with her and share her with all of you. So, drop a pic of your pup and wish Princess Gracie Mae Whineybutt a very happy birthday!

Big day for Garmin. He had his annual visit at Pet Wellness Group for all the things. As you can see if the photos, he’s...

Big day for Garmin. He had his annual visit at Pet Wellness Group for all the things. As you can see if the photos, he’s stressed (know how I know? Post in the comments!), but he still anxiously awaited people to come through the door, grinned at everyone, gave out kisses, and listened to all his cues like the good boy he is. He didn’t flinch for bloodwork or shots. I even caught him with his nose out the window on the way home, which is a big deal for him because he is notoriously nervous in the car. (And don’t worry, he was tethered in with a harness and a seatbelt). Routine vet care and a great relationship with your vet is paramount in having a happy, healthy dog. And Garmin, Gracie and I hit the jackpot. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Garmin joined my house as a foster 10 years ago and never left. It is hard to believe that much time has passed, but at ...

Garmin joined my house as a foster 10 years ago and never left. It is hard to believe that much time has passed, but at the same time it’s gone by in a blink. Enjoy him being disgruntled this morning after being brushed and him 10 years go today. Feel free to share pics of your pups then and now in the comments. I always like to see them. Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

We here at LLR Canine hope you have a safe and restful holiday. I’m forever grateful for all of you and wish you all the...

We here at LLR Canine hope you have a safe and restful holiday. I’m forever grateful for all of you and wish you all the best this holiday season. Much love from Gracie, Garmin, and Shannon.


Please keep your dogs warm and safe in this brutal cold. Gracie and Garmin LOVE snow and cold, but they can only last about two minutes outside today. If you rely on walks for potty breaks, consider booties for the future. They will need to be conditioned to them, but it will protect feet of you have to be put for longer stretches. Hope you all are warm and safe! Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

One thing I do for all clients is send videos home so they can continue their training and work with their dogs at home,...

One thing I do for all clients is send videos home so they can continue their training and work with their dogs at home, and just like in class, Cooper was VERY interested in what I had to say. Cooper just graduated from Basic Skills, and he came a very long way…likely due to his laser focused attention. His people said he heard my voice and started looking for me.

Side note: Those of you in the path of the pending winter storm and cold, please stay safe! Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Congrats to Sofie, Kona, Daisy, Cooper, and Sydney for competing Basic Skills! Unfortunately, Gus couldn’t make it to th...

Congrats to Sofie, Kona, Daisy, Cooper, and Sydney for competing Basic Skills! Unfortunately, Gus couldn’t make it to the last class. They all improved so much. This is the last class of the year. New ones will start up in mid/late January of 2023. Stay tuned! Happy Training and Happy Dogs.

Check out this focus!  Tonight we were working on adding a little duration to our sits, and these dogs were laser focuse...

Check out this focus! Tonight we were working on adding a little duration to our sits, and these dogs were laser focused on the task at hand. This is their third week of work and I am continually impressed at how connected these teams are. Great work, everyone! Happy Training and Happy Dogs.


Union, KY


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