Come out to the pumpkin patch RIGHT NOW and enjoy this beautiful evening with the Judson Mariachi Band! Have fun. Buy pumpkins.
We can’t wait to make the finished touches, load it with pumpkins and people and get this season started! #UCPP come see us!
Angela Moreno and Katherine Casanova you won some earrings! Come ask for Oly at the big tent to pick up your winnings!
Pumpkins! Pumpkins! And More Pumpkins! The Patch returns Saturday, October 8!
Hey all of our Pumpkin Patch family and friends, we’re getting set up for snow fest. Grab those little ones, put them in a jacket, and come on out tomorrow, Saturday, for some good cold family fun. Lots of rides and lots of vendors along with various different types of entertainment and some real snow (sort of). We can’t wait to see all of y’all out here.