Cow Boy is a very smart boy. As soon as he saw the new step ladder in the backyard, he knew what he was supposed to do with it. Unfortunately, he hasn't quite figured out why I keep putting his new trick prop in front of the entrance to the van, don't I realize that this makes it very inconvenient for him to jump in?
(At least Sheesh is actually OK with using the steps for their intended purpose, instead of trying to jump in and hoping for the best)
Sometimes you just gotta have a really fresh stick.
Just 42 seconds of Sheesh having a dream
If he fits, he sits! (this is one of their many boxes of toys)
I guess this is what happens when your puppy is raised by a dog who thinks he is a cat. Meanwhile, Sheesh himself is comfortably sleeping on a pile of various cuts of fabric that I had pulled out of the closet "temporarily" to pick one for a project.
When we were all* getting in the car to drop off Digiorno this morning, I felt like some part of our routine was missing. (This was the first time since Sheesh's surgery that we went for a car ride with both boys, so it's been a couple of weeks).
When we went to pick her back up, Cow Boy remembered and provided the missing piece: his despondent screams of "Oh no you are leaving without me for a few seconds to put Sheesh in the car first, how unfair and horrible". Please enjoy(?) this sample that I recorded last month and forgot to post. They do sound louder in person!
* As you may or may not know, Sheesh (still) has pretty bad separation anxiety. And Cow Boy doesn't really have separation anxiety, but he did grow up in a house with Sheesh, so he does not quite understand the concept of being home alone. So the boys come along for most car rides. The jealous screams are a different thing though, he doesn't do that when he's actually being left home. He also stops as soon as he hears that Sheesh has been loaded into the car and I'm presumably coming back for him.
Cow Boy doesn't really want to *use* the fancy $15 root chew, he just wants to *have* it since he understands it's more valuable than the other bits of wood in the backyard.
Sheesh and Cow Boy's dynamic is really cute - Cow Boy acknowledges that Sheesh is in charge here, but also Cow Boy knows that he's really cute and can get away with things if he sucks up to Sheesh a little bit first. Sheesh doesn't really actually care about the root but I think he does enjoy the attention a little bit.
OMG. I found this old video of baby Cow Boy playing with his littermates at probably 2-3 weeks old.
Gave Glee her first chew since her dental surgery. Then got all worried that she seemed to be gumming at it for a while with the very same place where her teeth used to be, and not making much progress. So I tried to trade for it. But Glee is no fool, she is perfectly capable of taking cheese without letting go of the chew! (She did get bored of it shortly after this and I snuck it away while she was chasing more cheese)