To say I am overjoyed it putting it mildly. We have had more than our fair share of bumps in the road. But the day FINALLY has come and were able to move the horses to their new home. I feel like I can breathe. To say I am relieved is to put it mildly. My truck has not been the most reliable as of late. So for it to work if even long enough to bring my babies home. I praise God above and thank him for the victory. We have worked and prayed so very hard for this day. My heart could burst. What a major MAJOR and much needed blessing this is!!
♥️ Beck
Even the littles were up and at it this morning helping to work and get this finished!
Getting it done! I got to say this is one of the best investments The Hubbs has made for our farm other than the fence stapler. ❤️❤️
The prettiest, sweetest, bestest boy. He knows his Mama loves him. ♥️♥️
New pasture in Progress….
Can’t wait for the finished product! Can’t forget my best pupper right by my side through it all. Mesa is always right there and ready to supervise while we work.
We are on the other side of Debby.
It’s not over! More rain. Looks like more flooding! Stay safe everyone! Tuesday @ 6:30 pm
Canal, trails,
This is the other side of the wooded area, canals, and kids trails. There is so much water. And apparently we aren’t out of the woods yet.
Tuesday 12:45
And the journey continues!!
And the journey continues with Hurricane Debby and MisMatch Acres.
Tuesday 12:30 pm
Another video around the property
Back pasture Flooded. So much water!! Big Debby definitely left her mark.
Tuesday 12:15pm
Video Blog I don’t know. Flooding in the pasture.
Flooding in the front pasture, and on the kids trails.
Tuesday 12:02 pm
Video blog 4 ?? I think???
More to come yet still !
Monday 1:29 pm
Video blog 3. It’s slowly progressing.
And again there’s more to come. You don’t have to watch them all. I did this more for me. But I figured I would post if anyone cared to watch.
Monday 9:53 am