Blu Prairie Pointing Labs

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  • Blu Prairie Pointing Labs

Blu Prairie Pointing Labs Our Pointing Lab and stud have pedigrees loaded with some of the greatest bloodlines in the pointing lab world.

These dogs will make great family companions and even better hunting partners.

What an adventure we’ve had the last 2 years with these special pups! We hope all 10 are enjoying their second birthday ...

What an adventure we’ve had the last 2 years with these special pups! We hope all 10 are enjoying their second birthday with an extra treat or 2! 🎂🎁🐾❤️ If you have a pup from this litter, we would love to see a picture or two in the comments!

My favorite time of year is finally here!  The first couple of weekends have seen 5 of our Blu Prairie pups out in the f...

My favorite time of year is finally here! The first couple of weekends have seen 5 of our Blu Prairie pups out in the field doing what they were bred to do. Of course Momma Rigz and old Blu saw some action as well. You folks that know me well know that there are not many other places I would rather be. I can never get enough of watching dogs work a bird. These pups are coming along wonderfully and are tireless in the field. What is even better is that they are also fantastic family companions. Miss Belle is retrieving nicely to hand and started pointing some birds this weekend. I’m quite pumped about that. She’s just like her Momma. Belle and Rigz are also working towards their Senior Hunt titles. Training is going very well. I can’t wait for next weekend to make some more memories with my buddies.

Hard to believe the difference a year makes. From an unbelievable ball of cuteness to truely mans best friend.  The bree...

Hard to believe the difference a year makes. From an unbelievable ball of cuteness to truely mans best friend. The breeding that brought us Miss Belle and Tiki was in the works for 4 years. From finding Momma Rigz to selecting Super Stud Eli. (Thank you Rock Solid Pointing Labs and Cornstalker Kennels). And now I have Blu Prairies first AKC Titled dog. I took Miss Belle to Eldridge Sunday for her fourth Hunting Field Trial and she really nailed it going 4 for 4 in her tests and earning a Junior Hunter AKC Title. For you more serious dog trainers out there I know its only a Junior Title but its a da gum good start and my first time doing such a thing. A sign of more good things to come. While she was not always perfect on our journey she was dang near perfect Sunday. One dropped bird that she quickly picked back up was about the only negative thing I can think of (Besides accidentally dropping her whistle in her fresh steaming pile of poo poo while trying to pick it up with a doggy p**p bag designed for Chihuahua size turds). Could have been the start to a real crappy day😂but Belle would have none of it. She made short work of every retrieve and looked great doing it. I have already made a list of the things we need to perfect for our next level of testing and can’t wait to get started. For now we rest as she is quite literally sleeping on my lap. Thanks Belle. This will never get old😄

To all you Blu Prairie puppies out there your Sis, Belle, had an exhausting yet exciting weekend. (you can’t tell from t...

To all you Blu Prairie puppies out there your Sis, Belle, had an exhausting yet exciting weekend. (you can’t tell from the pic at all. Very tired puppy) We went to the Mid Iowa Retriever Club near Des Moines both Saturday and Sunday for a double Hunt Test, hoping to earn 2 more passes towards Belle’s first hunting title. 10 hours in the truck and we are both beat. She already has one pass and if successful, this weekends tests would get her to 3. She did it!! The third leg of her quest for a title is now complete. She just needs one more pass to become our first titled dog. Hoping to give that a shot later this month.
The judges had some tricks up their sleeves, particularly today, but Belle pulled it off. Today was the first time I foolishly doubted Belle’s ability and she flipped me off with both paws, sucked it up and did it. I’ll take the double finger any day for that performance. For our last water test the judge actually said “lets just see what kind of huntin dogs you all have”. Very fair test but definitely our most challenging. It’s amazing what a young pup can do. Our training last week was really not very good. Belle struggled a bit, but her drive came through today and she really showed up on game day. This gal can turn it up a notch or 3 when it counts. There were some fine young dogs this weekend and they were fun to watch. Belle was in her element for sure and I really could not be more proud of my Little Miss Belly Bop. I made some new friends, saw some great dog work, and best of all, I got some one on one time with my Belle. Michele has been bringing Tiki along very well lately and she will soon start her own title run. Spending time with dogs never gets old!!

Update: Michele was able to post from her phone: This post is really meant for the Blu Prairie followers but as I have l...

Update: Michele was able to post from her phone: This post is really meant for the Blu Prairie followers but as I have lost my dang phone, I cannot seem to post anything on my own site with this computer. Those of you that know me very well know that tech is like a foreign language to me. I guess this is just me wanting to let the folks know who have a Blu Prairie pup that these pups are smart and can learn despite my or anyones amateur trainer status. I finally took my Little Miss Belle to her first Hunting Trial Saturday at Hoosier Creek Retriever Club in North Liberty. We, Michele, Belle and I, have been putting in some hours getting ready for her big day and she did not disappoint. Unfortunately, I assume this is where I lost my phone but those are replaceable.One of the trialofficers asked me if I would rather have a pass in the trial or my phone. My answer was a quick "a pass". This hunt test is an entry level test and would get you 1 pass of your 4 towards a Junior Hunting Title. Belle hunted a full pheasant season in her first year, so picking up birds is nothing new for her. Where we have been putting in the work is with trying to control a young pups excitement with many dogs, new humans and lots of gun fire with birds all over. Let me tell you, it is very difficult to replicate that level of excitement especially with new surroundings and a lot of close up gun fire. Belle was as hyped up and hard to control as I have ever seen her, but fortunately all of that crazy energy was focused on marking and retrieving the ducks. The hard part for her was just getting to the line without losing her sh*t. Birds flying and launched, guns going off, dogs whining and splashing around, whistles blowing everywhere, all while she was made to sit in a make shift blind. We did work on this but evidently not enough. Afterwards one of the very nice judges made a great comment I will never forget. "Trainers need to realize that no matter how good your dog is, plan on having only 75% of your dog at a trail". Truer words never spoken. Belle is a model citizen during our training sessions, but Saturday that pup could care less about most of my commands. All she wanted to do was grab birds. Fortunately, during the time when she was actually judged, she was spot on. The Hoosier Creek fellas and judges had a great, challenging, hunting course set up, that really simulated most of a real hunting scenario. Good hunting distances, great thick cover, especially in the water series, and even live birds which at this level, never having done this before, I was not expecting. Belle made this middle aged, slightly grey rookie trial trainer awfully proud and even garnered some very positive comments from the judges and some of the other contestants. Her drive and marking ability really took over. It was a blast and for those of you who have never tried it, I encourage you to partake. What a great way to spend time outdoors making memories with your hunting companion. While this is only a pass towards an AKC Junior Title, some dogs did not make it, so it is not a given. I know what Belle and I need to work on and can't wait to get started. I would share some cool pics, but my nice little phone must be in the boonies of Hoosier creek. Belle and I cannot wait to hit trial #2 soon. What a great experience.

Wow. Can’t believe its been a year since Momma Rigz brought these 10 precious pups into this crazy world. I guarantee yo...

Wow. Can’t believe its been a year since Momma Rigz brought these 10 precious pups into this crazy world. I guarantee you she feels much better now than 365 short days ago. 😂. From helping the smaller ones find the best “drinking fountain”, putting them in our mixing bowl for their daily weight check, mixing up their puppy mush, hauling 10 squirmy fluff balls to the vet for shots, cleaning carpet and kennels multiple times a day to now their daily training sessions, throwing fetchin dummies till my arm literally hurts, many pheasant hunting adventures, nightly snuggles in my chair, and training for their first hunting trials. What a year its been. They have changed our lives for the better. These little boogers have helped me get in shape(yes round is a shape) lowered my BP, and made hunting even more fun and productive. To say these gals are special is an understatement. We just love these gals and we hope those of you who were brave enough to purchase one of our Blu Prairie Pups have had similar experiences. I can’t wait to see what adventures lie ahead. Thanks Rigz for these little pups and Happy Birthday to all 10 pretty babies on May 18th!!!

Happy Mother’s Day to those caring for Blu Prairie’s pups! We appreciate your love and care! (Remember, these special pu...

Happy Mother’s Day to those caring for Blu Prairie’s pups! We appreciate your love and care! (Remember, these special pups turn 1 this week!🎂)

Calling all Blu Prairie puppy owners. If you are planning on registering your pups with the AKC, you have until May 30 t...

Calling all Blu Prairie puppy owners. If you are planning on registering your pups with the AKC, you have until May 30 to do this at a reduced price. After this date the AKC doubles your fees. Officially meet Blu Prairies Bye Bye Birdy Belle and Track em Down Tiki!! You are welcome to use our Blu Prairie call name or use your own creative name. Of course you may choose to not register them at all. The pups will never know😊. All the paperwork you need came in your puppy pick up packet.
Our two are doing great. They are smart, easy to train, energetic, had a very successful hunting season and absolutely love to snuggle on our laps. I am hopeful that at least Belle will get her first hunting trial certification pass this spring. We are almost ready. Hope you all are experiencing similar results. Enjoy and dont be afraid to push them in your training. They will do it!!

Well as they say, All good things must come to an end. Or if you add a letter or two and switch some around it translate...

Well as they say, All good things must come to an end. Or if you add a letter or two and switch some around it translates into: holy@ #*€ my favorite time of year is over again. 🥲. It has been a great season for my new pups and for some other Blu Prairie babies. For those that remember ,Daisy, Jack Jack and Prince Charming. Now Remi, Arlo and Blu (for some reason i really luv that name) They too have become solid hunting partners for The Joey Voyles family and The Justin Peterson family. So 5 of our 10 pups have been trained to hunt. (At least i only know of 5). This makes me so very happy. My Belle and Tiki have really impressed me with their progress. I think they are ahead if my pre planned schedule. We have had so much fun in our first hunting season together. The ground work has been laid for many years of great success afield. And lets not forget the one that made it all happen. My precious little buddy Momma Rigz. These 3 huntin pals have made this slightly middle aged fella a very happy guy. Thanks for all the memories gals. Heres to another wonderful season🍺

Another great day in the pheasant field with my precious Little Rigz.  Did not expect to see 3 roosters, let alone hit e...

Another great day in the pheasant field with my precious Little Rigz. Did not expect to see 3 roosters, let alone hit em all but what is it they say, a blind sow finds an acorn once in a while. Somethin like that😁. I, like many, will pheasant hunt any day any way, within the letter of the law of course, and thoroughly enjoy the company of others. But any day i can make it out with just me and my dogs is a gold letter day. Its my favorite thing to do. I will never tire of watching my pups work a field. Hearing the familiar sound of a flushing rooster. Seeing the color of those gorgeous feathers against the sky and the best of all, my dog with the harvested bird as she proudly brings it back to me. All of our training coming together at that moment. I know some do not appreciate the hunters role in conservation and thats ok. To each their own. But as I have said before, for me, this will never get old. Thanks Little Rigz❤️

Taking a break from hunting today. So we’re enjoying some leisure time.

Taking a break from hunting today. So we’re enjoying some leisure time.

We’re thankful for a beautiful morning walk after a great night of sleep! We’re also thankful that Dad likes to take us ...

We’re thankful for a beautiful morning walk after a great night of sleep! We’re also thankful that Dad likes to take us hunting! What are you thankful for???

“An old traditional gun with new beginning dogs.”This is a quote my brother came up with when I sent him this pic. He sa...

“An old traditional gun with new beginning dogs.”This is a quote my brother came up with when I sent him this pic. He said that this may be the title of an article our Dad would write about this special hunt. Dad became an outdoor writer later in life and loved to write about Steve and I and our outdoor adventures. While dog training was not one of his many gifts, he did certainly pass on his love of the outdoors to us. Every opening weekend I am reminded of all the great times afield together. I miss them dearly. Steve always manages to make it up for opening weekend and while the birds were certainly not abundant, we had a great time with some wonderful friends, great dogs and beautiful weather. Being able to hunt with my brother makes this weekend my favorite time of the year. This year was extra special as I had the pleasure of taking out my 2 new lab pups, Belle and Tiki. Unfortunately Bro had to take off so it was just me and my pups. I chose not to take them with our bigger group, fearing it may do more harm than good so this was their first real hunt. As you can see, they did not disappoint. To see all of our training pay off just makes this old heart sing. The gals did great. They flushed all of these birds and retrieved two of them and found the third that I thought they would never find. Proud does not begin to explain how I feel. It was like Dad was with us, guiding these new little charges. Making their first hunt amazingly positive to set them up for a lifetime of success. This was Dad helping me pass on an old tradition to these wonderful little pups. ❤️

Hope everyone had a safe and successful opening weekend!

Hope everyone had a safe and successful opening weekend!

Blu and Tiki taking a break during our morning walk.

Blu and Tiki taking a break during our morning walk.


Introduced hand signals a couple of weeks ago and then started working on some bird training and heal. Kinda forgot about hand signals. So tonight I gave it a shot. I did a few warm ups with only throwing one dummy and signaling to that one. And then tried 2, a right and left bumper. Belle and Tiki both nailed it. This is Belle in the video. I thought I would try to heal and send her after the other bumper and they both did great. I expected these pups to have what it takes and I think my expectations are being realized. They are very easy to train so far and the early ground work is certainly being laid. I have learned a lot from training Momma Rigz and am making fewer mistakes with these gals. I just can’t wait to get home from work and spend time with these precious pups.


Pups had a great October 1st! They thought it was mud wrestling Saturday! 😂


We went out for a little training before the rain hits. We’re working on sit, stay, come and finding birds! When they see us get the birds out, they get so excited.

Shots at the vet again! Tiki is 29 # and Belle is 33 #!

Shots at the vet again! Tiki is 29 # and Belle is 33 #!

Tiki, 27.5 # and Belle, 29.5 # are exhausted from their vet appointment and shots. If you have a litter mate, let us kno...

Tiki, 27.5 # and Belle, 29.5 # are exhausted from their vet appointment and shots. If you have a litter mate, let us know how much they weigh and if you’re willing to share a picture that would be fantastic! 🐾

We’re almost 15 weeks old! We love taking walks and learning new tricks! We like the frozen pigeon play and Dad gets so ...

We’re almost 15 weeks old! We love taking walks and learning new tricks! We like the frozen pigeon play and Dad gets so excited when we find them and bring them to him! We think they smell yummy! Now we’re getting sleepy so we’re going to take a quick nap. 🐾 💤


We try to do a few short training sessions each day. They’re doing great!


Tiki and Belle are having a great time fetching a dummy with a pheasant wing attached to it.

What an unbelievable summer. It was a labor of love raising Moma Rigz 10 beautiful puppies. A simply wonderful experienc...

What an unbelievable summer. It was a labor of love raising Moma Rigz 10 beautiful puppies. A simply wonderful experience that Michele and I had never done before. We tried to post pics of all of them going home with their new families although I think we may have forgotten on occasion. Oops. Must have been happy sleep deprivation. Well here is the final family. US!! We had originally agreed to keep one of the pups. Michele was gracious enough to let me make the pick. I was smitten early on with Miss Belle so we or I guess I had made our decision. As the days flew by little Moana started following Michele around like her shadow and, well, now cute Little Mo is known as Tiki and Belle is still Belle. What cuties. So here we are, a very happy 4 Lab family. A bit crazy, darn right but I’m sure I have been called worse😁. We would like to thank you for all of your interest and positive comments. And a huge thank you to those of you who had enough faith in us to purchase one of our dogs. We have not decided if we will do this again. For now we are just enjoying training two pups at the same time and psyching ourselves up for year 31 in our teaching careers. So far so good, at least with the training😂They pick things up very quickly. Keep sending us pics and stories of how the pups are doing. We love hearing from you. Thanks again for following Blu Prairie!!

Raider (Bruno) is in his furever home! He has a four legged sister and brother too! We were excited to hear he slept in ...

Raider (Bruno) is in his furever home! He has a four legged sister and brother too! We were excited to hear he slept in his kennel all night! What a good boy! Congratulations Zach Mulford and Kailey Mulford!


After being gone for 9 days, we’re back to training the 3 pups we have. They’re a little rusty after our vacation but eager to please! And man are they cute!! 💕





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