Canadian alfalfa
Double compressed 65lb bales
$22 single bales $504, 24 bundle
Safe and successful delivery of The Hay Loft hay and Danco Forage cubes to the Avery county warehouse in Newland. Thanks to Brittany Burch
We will continue our efforts I will update you on details as we build the next load!
We still have some fresh 2024 Canadian alfalfa multipacks available!
3x3x8 600lb $200
Get it now, price increase on next cut..
Raleigh NC
Double compressed, Canadian timmothy orchard!
65lb bales $22 or $21ea when you buy the 24 bundle
✨️DOUBLE THE WEIGHT, HALF THE SIZE taking up less storage space which means more hay in the barn and less trips to pick it up.
✨️Easy to handle, perfect flakes that do not fall apart
✨️Fresh, fragrant and no dust for maximum indulgence
✨️0 waste, horses, goats and rabbits will absolutely devour it
Raleigh NC
What if I told you, you don't have to feed grain for your horse to gain weight, feel better, look better and perform better. You don't have to show up at the same time every morning before work or school to give your horse a sugar fix. You don't have to play the guessing game of which concentrated bag of byproducts to feed either.
Does your horse beg for grain? Pace with anxiety waiting for you to arrive on time? Beat and bang on the gate, stall door and feeder rushing you to prepare feed? Get aggressive with pasture mates during feeding time? Bolt his feed or sling it out of his feeder?
Here is your solution. It might sound too good to be true or to simple to understand but I'm telling you I have cured horses of the feeding time frenzy. I've put weight on impossible keeps, I've witnessed the temperaments steady and become more pleasurable, I've seen them flourish! Every horse in my herd and so many others have made positive improvements on this program.
Danco Forage complete forage cubes eliminate the need for concentrates and supplements. A small 7/8" cube soft enough for babies and seniors.
Simple all natural, whole food ingredients including alfalfa, oats, flaxseed, vitamins & minerals will help restore your horses health and vitality.
Contact us today, your horse will thank you!
Raleigh NC
The handiest dandiest multipack bales
This is how they work 👇
Canadian alfalfa, very green and leafy, perfect moisture content, no leaf shatter
Sold by the bale $205 or by the "section" $26
Raleigh/ Clayton NC
250lb Omega Elite Horselic tubs
in stock, only $255
Ancona ducks looking for a new water hole or frying pan!