As everyone may have seen we have just put our house up for sale! So Now for my bittersweet post to all my loyal grooming customers!! With a lot of thought and prayers and a fight with my heart and soul I have decided to also sell my Grooming Shop! My injury’s and recovery just isnt the Ievel I had hoped to get back to for me to safely work on your animals and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get better anytime soon! But with all bad news I still come to you with good news too, I have sold my building to a great girl from Paoli that I will be referring my customers too! I’m also going to come help her get started and get to know anyone of my customers that would like to book with her so that I can help her get to know your animals! Plus with her owning my building the animals will still feel somewhat comfortable with the surroundings being they have been there before!! So if you can bare with us a few more weeks she will be up and running in Paoli ! We will be posting her info when she gets everything setup! So please welcome her Savanna Paige Pranger to our grooming community!
Thank you again for letting me love your animals the past two years it’s been the greatest job! I will truly miss your babies and you guys !