Indiana is ready for a new home!
He is from my Oskar x Lacuna litter (Lime collar boy). He was born in 6/7/24 so is coming up on 7 months old. He's cropped and intact. He will come with full registration and I will require that I be kept on as a co-owner. Other contract details can be discussed. Preference will be given to homes in the Pacific Northwest, but the right match is most important.
He's a fairly typical adolescent beauceron. He's generally very sweet and happy, but he likes to explore and push limits. He's bigger and stronger than he realizes, but has no behaviors that are abnormal for his breed and age.
He's super social with people, gets along well with adult dogs, respects the little cranky dogs, and is good with my cat. He can get overstimulated playing with puppies his own age, but takes correction well when he gets too rowdy. He's house trained, crate trained, rides well in the car and has basic obedience...when he remembers.
I would love to see him go to a performance home. He would be best in the hands of someone who is familiar with herding or working breeds. He needs what every other puppy needs: training, consistency, love and fun.
When he first came home, I got some messages from a few folks recording interest. I lost track of those messages in the midst of the holidays. If you are still interested, please reach out again!!