Colorado Paws

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Colorado Paws At Colorado Paws, we are providing a better world for dogs while upholding high standards in care.

If I could… wish I did… go back and take a photo with every pup I’ve crossed in life… there are so many ….  But here a f...

If I could… wish I did… go back and take a photo with every pup I’ve crossed in life… there are so many …. But here a few of my favorite rescues over the years. Enjoy…

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and may we all find peace on earth! Thank you to all of my followers and thank you for all of the support and donations. Colorado Paws wishes everyone peace on earth and a happy new year.

Hugs and puppy dog kisses

Kimberly and the chaos 🐾 puppy crew!

This is Clio…She was one of my first rescues that managed to steal my heart from day ONE! She came to me and stole my he...

This is Clio…She was one of my first rescues that managed to steal my heart from day ONE! She came to me and stole my heart…. She also came to me with a potential death sentence. She had distemper and I was advised to let her go…. She lives today because people like you support what I do and believe that pups with disabilities do not deserve to be thrown away. I’ve had many rescues that show up with hearts in their fur or face, but I’m wanting to make a showcase this Christmas season of all of the heart dogs out there that have made it into YOUR life.. Send me your photos and let’s see how we can send some hearts of love out this holiday season! Tag yourself and

Thank God!  I hope that April Addison gets what she deserves.  I hope that Chandler police and animal welfare is held ac...

Thank God! I hope that April Addison gets what she deserves. I hope that Chandler police and animal welfare is held accountable for not acting faster! I hope that the disabled pups confiscated get to rescues that can finally help them and give them the love they deserve.

For those that do not know what a horrible person this is, she tried to obtain Tazzy (my rescue mascot for Colorado Paws) from me 3 years ago. Thank goodness Kimberly from BLJ Be Like Josh alerted me to this horrible person and the adoption of Tazzy was stopped!

My heart still believes that most of us out here rescuing, fostering and helping these pups and the pups with disabilities have a good heart, but days like this just break my heart!

April Addison you tried to harm me, my heart and my precious Tazzy 3 years ago. May you get everything you deserve and May your rotten heart and lying disgusting self rot in hell!

An unknown number of dogs are being taken from the home.

Please follow this and report anything you might know about this rescue or the person involved in this back to  or

Please follow this and report anything you might know about this rescue or the person involved in this back to or

Beauty comes in many colors.  This is a photo of the desert at sunrise.  Good morning!

Beauty comes in many colors. This is a photo of the desert at sunrise. Good morning!

This world has lost a beautiful soul and is heartbroken. Barb’s selfless humanitarian rescue efforts over the years made...

This world has lost a beautiful soul and is heartbroken. Barb’s selfless humanitarian rescue efforts over the years made such a huge impact for dogs here in Mexico. I am blessed to have had her friendship over the years.

I met Barbara Mumaugh nearly 8 years ago with my first rescue, foster and foster fail, (Dany). Over the years we formed a friendship and I ended up foster failing 2 more times with special needs pups (Rio and Bronn) from@Barb’s Dog Rescue. Barb’s love for rescue, her encouragement and support to me as a partner in rescue were all part of the inspiration for starting Colorado Paws 3 years ago. The other inspiration behind Colorado Paws was Tazzy who I fostered for Barb as a 2 week old bottle baby and who ultimately lost her battle to Cerebellar hypoplasia Abiotrophy more than 3 years ago.

Barb trusted me with many of her special needs pups over the years to foster, asist in providing medical care and their rehabilitation in order to get them ready for adoption. I feel incredibly blessed to have been a part of Barbs life and she will be dearly missed.
As a tribute to a beautiful lady who cared so much about the welfare of dogs and puppies, here are just a few of the pups we worked together on rescuing, fostering and finding forever homes for over the last few years.
God speed my beautiful friend! It was a blessing and pleasure to have you in my life..
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to a very worthy rescue please donate to


My life has not been random… my life has purposely given me who I am. I love who I am!

Hey everyone… just an update on my life and all that’s going on around me.The photos in this post are of my very first r...

Hey everyone… just an update on my life and all that’s going on around me.
The photos in this post are of my very first rescue and also my first rescue “fail”.
Dany… named after the Game of Thrones (Daenerys Targaryen Mother of Dragons) has had a tough year. Last year she was diagnosed with L7-S2 degenerative spine issues along with an L-2 disc compression and potential need for spine surgery in her near future…. Her mobility and neuro deficiency was not an issue or impacting her life a year ago. Neurological doctors in Colorado recommended rest and rehabilitation at that time compared to invasive surgery. Fast forward and a year later we are here. Last month Dany went in for an X-ray and then an MRI due to limited mobility and flexing of her rear limbs this last month. This scan produced progression of the spondylitis and a concern for her future mobility. Yesterday she underwent a laminectomy. This involves removal of some of the bony casing of the spinal canal, allowing the surgeon to remove any bulging or ruptured intervertebral disc material that might be compressing the cauda equina. Dany also required fusion and surgical steel braces to secure this region of surgery. The surgeon had planned on doing both her L7-S2 and had L-2 at the same time but her first surgery took nearly 4 hours and they didn’t want to compromise her more, so she will need a second surgery in the next 4-6 months to complete things.
As many of my followers know most of my pups are treated by Dr Leon at Servicios Médicos Veterinarios. His Son-in-law Dr. Wong is amazing!
Dany is still in recovery and I should know more by Saturday.
Dany is my heart dog from my last 8 years in rescue, so all I am asking for is prayers, love and well wishes. She has been my everything, my guide and my rock! Please give her your positive prayers and love. 🐾❤️🐾

Fat and happy and snoozing

Fat and happy and snoozing

I have been asked to help this sweet pup.  She was found in the desert lost.  Numerous posts have gone out locally to fi...

I have been asked to help this sweet pup. She was found in the desert lost. Numerous posts have gone out locally to find her home, but nothing has surfaced. She is presumed to be about a year old, and in good health. She is currently being cared for here in MX. If she is your pup please reach out to me. If not she is in need of a loving home.


Update: Navajo has found a new family!  Thank you everyone for helping share and being a part of finding her a new home!...

Update: Navajo has found a new family! Thank you everyone for helping share and being a part of finding her a new home!

Hey there!
I’m not really sure how to best post this because it is sensitive and difficult. .
For the most part I’ve been silent on my rescues lately. This girl was rescued from The Mexico reservation as an abandoned pup and has stolen the hearts of many. She is approximately a 2-3 years old dog rescue and not spayed but such a loving pup. She is good with kids, other pups and cats.
Her current rescue Home cannot keep her due to family constraints and issues. She is currently in Colorado and needing a home. PM me for more Information.
This pup was rescued from the reservation in Mexico (USA). .
I typically do rescue in MX beyond the border but am sending this out for everyone to share, I hope to find her a home.
Please share.

Just a happy photo of my kids enjoying their after dinner nap. Weather is starting to warm up and I’m excited for summer...

Just a happy photo of my kids enjoying their after dinner nap. Weather is starting to warm up and I’m excited for summer! What wicked winter this year has been. I hope everyone is happy, healthy and feeling loved.

Happy 8th Birthday Dany! My first rescue pup to steal my heart!  💕🐾

Happy 8th Birthday Dany! My first rescue pup to steal my heart! 💕🐾


A look back on ADAM and his forever amazing new life! Thank you to everyone involved! Barb's Dog Rescue who ultimately saw his beautiful way and helped to get him to his forever family!

Sometimes your heart is just happy! STORY posted too… my heart leapt with happiness when I heard Adam was adopted. It was through coordination of several rescue partners. and and .
And tonight I thought I’d post some happy things since I’ve been so silent. Rescue takes from our hearts but it also gives! It is not without the numerous coordinations of partners of love that this passion for saving the “underdog” continues to happen.
I have had a tremendous amount of support in my few years as a 501C3 and I am honored we continue to do what we do and at at the end of the day it all just about our love of the dogs.
Give your furry pack of 1-20 a special love tonight and know that we are all in it for the dogs!
Hugs Kimberly…
Many thanks to those around me that do rescue.

A year ago we said goodbye. Copito had all the cards stacked against him from the very beginning. He was tragically run ...

A year ago we said goodbye. Copito had all the cards stacked against him from the very beginning. He was tragically run over by a car by his neglectful back yard breeder and left in the street to die as a 4 week old puppy. Fortunately a kind human was able to get him to the vet to have his broken limbs repaired. Colorado Paws agreed to take over his enormous vet bill, care and orthopedic rehabilitation. The overwhelming support and help that Colorado Paws received for his surgery and care just warmed my heart. Sadly Copito was also fighting a more deadly battle of distemper along with his severely broken injured body and orthopedic needs. Copito lost his battle to distemper a year ago and it absolutely broke me to pieces. He passed peacefully in my arms knowing nothing but love.
Since his loss, I’ve really struggled to jump back into rescue with all my heart. I have additionally struggled with many other thing this last year on a more personal level. Some good things and some that I’m still working through. Unfortunately, next month will be another tough anniversary of remembering Tazzy.
The one thing I feel peace with is knowing that Copito and Tazzy knew nothing but pure love in the short time I was allowed to have them in my care and forever in my heart.

Amazing things happen in rescue, and every time I see it happen, I continue to be humbled.What I love most is that when ...

Amazing things happen in rescue, and every time I see it happen, I continue to be humbled.
What I love most is that when we need help in rescue and ask, our partners come through.
Adam came to needing serious orthopedic help. And that’s what he got while he was here in MX. He had X-rays, bloodwork, vaccinations, neuter and loving hands to help him on his way. That’s what Barb does! That’s what we all do, and it’s called a TEAM effort.
I had Adam in my care for a month and worked his rehabilitation to get him to a point of adoption. This pup worked hard and we all saw his abilities…. Not his labels.
This sweet pup is as perfect as God made him and we all saw that, and chose to not take those sometimes drastic measures. We reached out to several rescues for help and all doors seemed to close on him.
Thank you Compassion Without Borders] for seeing how amazing ADAM is!
Compassion Without Borders] does amazing things for some of our hardest cases of orthopedic pups and my heart is overwhelmed with joy to see that they have a heart a big as Adams!
Adam, I loved you every minute you were in my care. I have no doubt you will be loved deeply in your new forever home.

Happy Gotcha Day to this sweet boy!  Where has all the time gone?  Thank you Meghan Berrelez, Tami Slamp-Berrelez, and L...

Happy Gotcha Day to this sweet boy! Where has all the time gone? Thank you Meghan Berrelez, Tami Slamp-Berrelez, and Luis Berrelez For all you did in this rescue!

I can not believe it has been 4 years since I took this sweet pup into foster care. I foster failed hard with her and kn...

I can not believe it has been 4 years since I took this sweet pup into foster care. I foster failed hard with her and knew the moment I took her into my arms that I would never let her go.

She was rescued by Barb's Dog Rescue and I was lucky enough to be asked by Barbara Mumaugh to foster her through her rehabilitation and recovery. This is my Rio (originally named Hope) that Is now a thriving part of my pack. I cannot lie, there were a few times in the first few weeks that we thought she might not survive since she was not eating and was not responding to human touch. She was only 7 pounds at 4 months. Rio is a shepherd/ pit/rottie/chow mix so at 7 pounds at 4 months she was literally "a bag of bones." We also had many concerns that she could never trust a human again, and she had no idea how to even be a puppy or play. I have learned so much since then about rescue and Rio has taught me a lot about street dogs that are nearly feral.

Rio has done so well, but she remains one of those that is just a little broken due to the abuse that she will always remember in her formative first months. To this day, she remains that awkward pup in my pack that still doesn't understand how to play, doesn't trust anything new, shakes like thunder when someone new comes around and is fiercely protective of her pack. I personally feel she would not have survived long term and may have faced euthanasia due to her feral nature (in another rescue). Rio continues to have trust issues with humans, I refer to it as (PUP PTSD). She loves and trusts her family (and that took literally 6 months), but anyone new in her life is met with fear, anxiety and stress. She has become my husbands Heart dog and he is her person. I run a close second LOL... Despite all of this, she is loved more by our family than I could ever express! Rio is also my steady constant partner in my rescue Colorado Paws with any new pup I take into rescue or foster care. She has become known as the "babysitter", or the "mediator" in our pack, because she welcomes all new foster's and rescues with the biggest and warmest heart, and with no judgements...

Another interesting fact about Rio is that she was rescued during hurricane Sergio that was soon followed by hurricane Rosa. Those two hurricanes that hit Puerto Peñasco ultimately wiped out our entire area leaving use stranded on an "island" for 34 days. When I refer to the "island" we were stranded on it is because the storm wiped out all roads into our community surrounding us by water and required the navy to evacuate all those that did not wish to stay while they rebuilt. We literally had a flood zone of non receding estuary water on one side and the ocean on the other... and no roads in or out. Rebuilding the dirt roads to get to my house took 34 days. The navy evacuated nearly everyone except a handful (maybe 10 homes?) that chose to stay.

Rio is amazing to me and the storm that allowed me to take her on and rehabilitate her was nothing but a miracle moment to grow and learn. For that I am grateful! Thank you Barb for trusting me with your precious cargo.

So today this memory hits me hard and full of love. Rio has taught me so many things. Acceptance, compassion, trust, resilience, caution, and taking the time to heal no matter how that looks on our individual spectrum. Sometimes that square peg will never fit into that circle hole no matter how hard you pound! So, Stop pounding!

Be kind everyone, and give those in your life a big hug, because, everyone has their own journey and their own coping skills. Thank you Rio for trusting me to be your mom.


Barb's Dog Rescue


Hey everyone, I know I’ve been silent for a bit! Got way to many balls in the air right now and I truly suck at catch! With that, and most days feeling like crawling into bed and hiding is the best choice for the day, I’ve decided that I need to get up and go again! Even if it’s just a little. I have still been doing rescue on small scale, but just not posting on it… I have had a lot of life puzzles and I’m solving them and it’s all good, but just takes a ton of time and energy. .
I know everyone loved my videos of rescue so here is one that I have now. This is Adam. He is a rescue from and I have been fostering him for the last 3 weeks. He was set for euthanasia like most pups here in MX but he is truly amazing! Please share and reach out to us because this amazing loving pup needs a home!

My sweet origami pup!  I just love how she sleeps!  It’s crazy to watch and analyze things. I watch her spinal issues cl...

My sweet origami pup! I just love how she sleeps! It’s crazy to watch and analyze things. I watch her spinal issues close because she’s a tri-paw. She gets extra vet visits and X-rays to make sure her spine is good. What amazes me with Rio, is that despite being the feral that was rescued, she’s got it handled. She manages her walk and gate, she know her limitations and three years ago she was set for euthanasia. Rio has given me perspective I never knew or trusted I had! Rio has been my feral dog education. My go to babysitter of new rescues. Rio has become my husbands HEART dog after telling me to walk away from her. In all honesty she would have never been adoptable, and still wouldn’t. I love Rio from the bottom of my heart, but she was broken by humankind years ago. No matter to me, she is absolutely perfect for me! Tazzy solidified that my heart needs to drive my decisions! My heart is happy that I chose to have an origami prodigy in my life! Yes, I meant to say prodigy! Because Rio is freaking amazing and we should all hope to be the same! So tonight, my message is to give that awkward, weird, uncomfortable moment a thought and think about every time you too have been in a situation that you felt unaccepted. Then rise up and and hit the re-set button and give some other broken soul a chance. Because they might just be the next prodigy in life? Or just Origami? Either way you win! 💕


Please send prayers to Puerto Peñasco. This is my community and where I live and do rescue. Hurricane Kay hit our small community hard.
Since I have lived here, I have witnessed and lived through many hurricanes. In 2018 we were double hit by Sergio and then Rosa. Those two left our community stranded and living on an island for 34 days. The Navy here in MX evacuated everyone and a few of us (5-10 homes) stayed. I was one of those that chose to stay because I had pups in care! One of those pups was my Rio, my tri-paw. Today we were hit hard again.. this community needs prayers and love right now. Humans and animals will all feel this impact. Please send us your loving light and prayers for a recovery!

I know I’ve been silent for a bit but I’m still here doing small things..  just one pup at a time 🥰🐾.Three days ago I to...

I know I’ve been silent for a bit but I’m still here doing small things.. just one pup at a time 🥰🐾.
Three days ago I took this sweet boy into my care. He had no name so I named him Oro. Oro is the Spanish word for gold. I believe in Gold and will do my best to give him a chance for a golden future! Oro has a serious case of mange. Mange happens as a result of untreated parasites (ticks) that embed in the skin and cause numerous side effects. Depending on the tick and dogs immune system, the end result can be mange, heart worm, valley fever, or numerous other tick illnesses. These illnesses are often treatable but they come with a very hefty price. Prevention from these illnesses comes from providing pups with medication to prevent these illnesses. Those too, unfortunately, come at a hefty price. I understand that it’s hard to make the financial decisions as a pet parent and it breaks my heart! Oro will get what he needs while I am blessed to have him in my care!..
I am choosing not to make this about pharmaceutical companies but probably have now? A simple low cost medication option for both pups and humans needs to be a bigger picture in all of our lives? Peace all.

This little sassafras now has her own IG handle. Her family is amazing and loves her so much. I can’t wait to see how am...

This little sassafras now has her own IG handle. Her family is amazing and loves her so much. I can’t wait to see how amazing her new chapter in life will be! The support and help everyone provided to her in order to save her from euthanasia just warms my heart! The community of support and donations to keep Ruby from being euthanized or worse yet .. being sold on Craig’s list as a potential bait dog just harms my heart! Numerous supporters came together to support in this rescue and then numerous other generous people helped Ruby get special wheels to continue her mobility journey. 3DPets built her custom wheelchair. was hugely accommodating with helping to cast and ship Ruby’s molds quickly while I was away. Joey's PAW was by far the most amazing partner in rescue in sponsoring Ruby and fundraising for her additional costs for her custom chair. Thank you to everyone that donated to Joey’s Paw to support Ruby and her new chair and fantastic new chapter in life! Without your generosity this would not have been possible! Joey’s Paw raised 1,300 of Ruby’s 2,000 custom wheel chair cost. The remaining amount 4K+ along with all of Ruby’s medical care, vaccinations, air travel to rescue her during COVID. This was all received by the supporters of . Your donations are so appreciated. Numerous people pulled off this amazing rescue, it’s just NOT all me, it’s all of us combined that pulled this off!!! It’s all of you that support me and support the small one dog at a time that I am. Thank you for trusting me to lovingly find Ruby her forever home!
To date Ruby has been Colorado Paws most expensive rescue this year but so loved and worth every penny! Her final rescue cost is coming in at about 5K+. Copito is coming in at a close second for my fiscal year… Rescue has no promises and we all take risks. I’d like to think the risks I take are from my heart, and not driven by money and social media.
Stay tuned… tomorrow I’ll post a reel and story highlighting Ruby with her IG link.

Life has a way of grounding us if we choose to listen.  So this is why I chose these amazing lightning photos from 2 day...

Life has a way of grounding us if we choose to listen. So this is why I chose these amazing lightning photos from 2 days ago that I took from my patio. Sometimes people need to be grounded! Sometimes, I quietly hope the lightning will ground those that make all the false crap they post!… As many of you know I’ve stepped away from rescue and social media the last few months and I’m sorry for the… “closet cleaning” and the “reset”
in my life, but without my brain solid and a shut down of the s**t show of some things lately, my world cannot mend without a break or recalibration. Please know I’m here during the storm and just taking time to figure out my next path. I watch your stories a few days a week and communicate to those that reach out to me. I will post again candidly of the numerous other projects that I have going on. Dogs and rescue continue to be my life love, and as a “one man show” I’m still in the game for rescue and transparency…. I think I just get bogged down seeing some of the other entities out there that are really just not so transparent… 🤷‍♀️. …. Or just full of S**t and lies!!! Just FYI, I’m in it for the love of the pups. Even if it means one pup at a time… quality, not quantity… truth not lies, communication not deception, and sometimes a reel on IG is just a bunch of BS and a bait and switch… Happy Tuesday everyone….

Launched the boat today.

Launched the boat today.

Colorado Paws has been on a “pause”. I’m going to take some time to explain why.  My husband and I have had a crazy craz...

Colorado Paws has been on a “pause”. I’m going to take some time to explain why. My husband and I have had a crazy crazy last 3 years.
Me… Building a rescue…. And both owning a business that develops and manufactures medical devices .. I’m Choosing to work and see the light! We have worked hard to make this world a better place.. people and pups.
Colorado Paws was born amongst COVID and the loss of ..
In the last 3 years, Colorado Paws has fostered and found homes for more than 100+ pups and dogs along with the help of our amazing partners in rescue. .
The most amazing support I have received is by the kindness of individuals that follow my love for dogs and share my journey. I have many that hold me up too and they should be recognized @lil_lo_from_mexico_



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