Dear Friends, Supporters and Donkey Lovers,
As you may remember, we announced big news in March about my involvement with Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue (the original post is below). Since that time, we have been looking for the right permanent location for PVDR's new Eastern Region facility. As it turns out, we realized there wasn’t anything better suited for ours and the donkey’s needs than where Virginia Donkey Rescue is located, so we've decided to make our Concord, VA location the new PVDR Eastern Regional hub.
To ensure that there are no potential conflicts of interest between non-profits, PVDR has graciously offered to absorb the VDR donkeys into PVDR's system and VDR has accepted. This will allow us to close Virginia Donkey Rescue as a non-profit which we will have finalized by year end.
This is even more exciting than our previous announcement as it allows me to be solely focused on PVDR and helping even more donkeys. Also, with PVDR being the largest equine rescue in the country, this is an amazing development for the donkeys taken in by Virginia Donkey Rescue, as it provides the best long-term security for them.
I hope you will continue to support the donkeys by supporting Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue and I hope you will follow our adventures at PVDR-East by liking and sharing our page.
Sending all of you huge donkey hugs for all your support these past three years! Our donkey loving family in Virginia and beyond has been so amazing. I look forward to continuing to build on that support and further the amazing relationships in my new role with Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue!
Kimberly Clark
VDR Founder
PVDR Eastern States Regional Manager
Dear Friends, Supporters and Donkey Lovers,
I have an amazing update that I’m so excited to share with you. Those of you who have been following us since we started in 2015 know the reason Virginia Donkey Rescue (VDR) came about was due to our work fostering for Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue (PVDR) as a Satellite Adoption Center. PVDR typically only takes law enforcement cases, but as a Satellite Adoption Center we were inundated with owner surrender requests. The only way to say yes was to start our own nonprofit.
The exciting news is that Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue is restructuring to accommodate their astonishing growth and to better support their vast network of Satellite Adoption Centers. They have asked me to manage the Eastern States Region, and as part of that have agreed to take owner surrenders in Virginia.
This is a dream come true for me to be able to help more donkeys on an even bigger scale. This also means that Virginia Donkey Rescue can move to a sanctuary-based operation with owner surrender requests handled through PVDR.
Virginia Donkey Rescue will of course honor our commitment to the donkeys that have come into our system and to the people who have surrendered them and adopted from us. VDR will continue to operate our sanctuary program so as not to disrupt the special needs donkeys in our care. And, any VDR donkeys that need to come back to us as adopter returns will be adopted back out through VDR if possible or placed into VDR's sanctuary program.
My personal passion for donkeys and donkey rescue has been mirrored by so many of our wonderful supporters, especially in our sanctuary sponsorship program. Virginia Donkey Rescue looks forward to a long and continued relationship with all of you and we hope that you will also support Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue’s mission.
With much love and huge donkey hugs for your support,
Kimberly Clark
VDR Founder and Sanctuary Manager
P.S. For any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]