Pawsitive Tails Behavior Solutions

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Pawsitive Tails Behavior Solutions Pet Training Services in Bay County and surrounding areas

We had a great time working with Tootsie in Pier Park this week. Tootsie has come so far already in her training. When s...

We had a great time working with Tootsie in Pier Park this week. Tootsie has come so far already in her training. When she first started with us, Tootsie was reactive to strangers as well as other dogs. She also was struggling with anxiety. We implemented a program with her family to really build her confidence (and theirs), as well as reduce the anxiety we were seeing.

Tootsie and her family are doing amazing in the program and we can not wait to see where they can go!

Are you interested in building your dogs confidence and reducing reactivity? Ask us how!

TOOL TIME TUESDAY......Clickers!Clickers, simply put, are markers. They are used to mark the moment in time your dog has...

TOOL TIME TUESDAY......Clickers!

Clickers, simply put, are markers. They are used to mark the moment in time your dog has done the correct behavior. This also, after training your dog what the clicker means, tells your dog reinforcement is coming. For many dogs the click noise itself becomes the reward.

The beauty of the clicker is that it is not likely a noise you will make outside of training. When using marker words you run the risk of confusing your dog when you use those words in normal conversation. It also allows you to be precise in your timing of communicating to your dog what they are being rewarded for.

Clickers come in many types. Some even have whistles or targets attached! Others can be worn like rings to stay hands free. A few even have softer noises that can be useful when working with dogs that are noise sensitive. It is best to find what works well for you and your dog.

Tool Time Tuesday!Today's tool is a training pouch. When training it is important to have reinforcement at the ready so ...

Tool Time Tuesday!

Today's tool is a training pouch. When training it is important to have reinforcement at the ready so you can quickly reward desired behavior. Pouches also allow you to operate hands free, which can be very helpful in a variety of training scenarios. Pouches come in a variety of styles/types, such as hinged, magnetic, drawstring, silicone, f***y pack style, and more! In my case I have a variety of pouches in many styles so I always have what I need.

Need help picking a pouch? Let me know your needs and I can help you pick what style will best fit your needs.

Tool Time Tuesday......let's talk about muzzles!There are many reasons a dog may be wearing a muzzle and it is important...

Tool Time Tuesday......let's talk about muzzles!

There are many reasons a dog may be wearing a muzzle and it is important to remember that just because a dog has one on, does not mean the dog is aggressive.

Reasons a dog may wear a muzzle:
1) They eat everything (also known as PICA) and the muzzle protects them from eating harmful things.
2) They have anxiety and both the human and dog feel more comfortable with it on.
3) They are at the vet/practicing for their next vet visit or it is an emergency and one is necessary.
4) They are in an area where a muzzle is required on public transport.
5) They have a history of biting when strangers (dog or human) approach and the muzzle is for safety of all.

Just like there are many reasons a dog is in a muzzle there are also many types of muzzles on the market. Each has their pros and cons. It is also important to remember not all muzzles are bite proof.

1) Basket muzzles: Can be made of a variety of materials. The most readily available is the Baskerville muzzle, which is a rubber type material. This material is not bite proof, though it helps minimize damage. You also can get a metal basket muzzle. These are bite proof and have a wider size range to ensure it fits correctly.
2) Vinyl muzzles: Typically bite proof and clear ones can allow you to easily see the full face of the dog. This assists in proper body language reading and often helps the dog look less intimidating.
3) Biothane Muzzle: Often the most colorful and customizable! These are not always bite proof (depends on brand) but will help minimize damage in a bite scenario.
4) Soft Mesh Muzzles: Often used on dogs with PICA. These are not bite proof but prevent swallowing of harmful objects.
5) Vet/Groomer Muzzle: Bite proof when fitted well. Best suited for short time periods as they do not allow the dog to pant.

Important Notes:
- Always train your dog to wear a muzzle with positive reinforcement techniques. Do not expect your dog to accept a muzzle right away, especially for long periods.
- Proper muzzle fit is very important to ensure the muzzle is comfortable and allows your dog to pant if it is intended to be used for longer periods.

Happy National Dog Day! My 2 are being lazy and napping but let's see your dogs! Introduce yourselves below!

Happy National Dog Day! My 2 are being lazy and napping but let's see your dogs! Introduce yourselves below!

Let's talk about the three D's of training.... Duration, Distance, and Distraction! These three factors are so important...

Let's talk about the three D's of training.... Duration, Distance, and Distraction! These three factors are so important when it comes to having a truly well trained dog. Ask yourself these questions. . .How long will my dog hold a stay or place command? How far away from my dog can I be and they will still respond to signals I give them? Will my dog still follow my commands when distractions like the neighborhood cat are around? These are all important factors with a number of ways to work on them. Need help with any or all of these factors? Ask me how!

Tool Time Tuesday! This week lets talk about harnesses! There are so many types on the market so lets break it down!1st,...

Tool Time Tuesday! This week lets talk about harnesses! There are so many types on the market so lets break it down!

1st, what are the benefits of using a harness vs a regular collar?
-Can help reduce pulling on leash when combined with good positive reinforcement based training.
-Less pressure on the dogs neck.
-When properly fitted, offer more security as dogs are less likely to be able to slip out.
-Models with handles offer something additional to grab in event of emergency.

Now lets get into types. There are many kinds on the market, and many styles/brands within each type. If you are unsure what type is best for you and your dog feel free to reach out!

1) Step in harness: This type does not need to go over a dogs head which can be very helpful in some cases. Often this is used most commonly with small dogs.

2) Y shaped harness: These harnesses fit in a y shape on the chest and allow some of the most natural movement for the dog.

3) Back clip harness: One of the most common ones seen. Will not help with pulling, sometimes will make it worse. Awesome when combined with good training for a loose leash walk. Also a good choice if the dog already has good manners or for some dog sports.

4) Front clip harness: Good option for helping with pulling. Downside is many models affect the gait of the dog. They also can easily get tangled.

5) Dual clip harness: Allows a dual clip leash or 2 leashes to be used. Gives more control. (My personal favorite kind)

6) Harness lead: all in one piece, no clips.

All of these harnesses have positive and negatives. It is best to do research and ask questions for what may be best for you.

ANNOUNCEMENT! After a number of requests for education on different tools we have decided to launch a new mini series......

ANNOUNCEMENT! After a number of requests for education on different tools we have decided to launch a new mini series.....Tool Time Tuesdays! Every Tuesday for a bit we will post about a tool that can be used when training dogs. We will discuss their uses as well as draw backs.

First up, Long Lines! These awesome tools come in a variety of lengths and materials, so there is something out there for everyone. Or you can be like us and have multiple.

1st photo: Our favorite way to use a long line! These tools are amazingly useful to let shy/scared dogs have a bit of freedom and go on "sniffari's" or sniff walks. Smelling their environment as a way to investigate it is one of the many ways dogs self regulate emotions and decompress. Take Tootsie here. This is her first time on a long line AND her first time to this park. When she first got out of the car she was tail tucked, ears pinned, super nervous. Once we got her set up and on the trail she started to investigate and get more confidence. Within a few mins she was showing looser body language and checking everything out. After 25mins of sniff walk we encountered some things that would normally trigger reactivity for Tootsie (other dogs, people on bikes, etc), yet Tootsie did amazing at observing and being calm.

2nd photo: Another awesome way to use your long line, as added security when working on recall. Fergus had been doing very well at his recall training (stay tuned for a future post on recall and how to train it). In the session you see here we let him drag the line so we had something to grab if necessary. The line gives you a way to practice recall in various environemnts without having to worry about "failure".

Have you used a long line? Tell us your stories!

Curious if long line work can help you and your dog? Send us a message!

Luka wants to know what kind of training content you all would like to see? What tips and tricks are you most interested...

Luka wants to know what kind of training content you all would like to see? What tips and tricks are you most interested in?

Let's talk reinforcement! So many people think that reinforcement is just treats, however it is so much more than that! ...

Let's talk reinforcement! So many people think that reinforcement is just treats, however it is so much more than that! Reinforcement is whatever your dog finds rewarding. For some that is treats but it also can be a number of other things.

Some dogs may be motivated by new high energy skills, like Sawyer on the agility "A" frame.
Some may find things like the water hose rewarding like Cordelia.
And for some its a game of tug like Maci.
Or maybe its a good cuddle session like Tonka!
Even strict verbal rewards are increadibly rewarding for some animals.

It is also important to remember that there are high and low value reinforcers, and that is determined by the dog in front of you. It is not about what you think is most reinforcing, it is what your dog finds most rewarding. For example, Bella likes treats, but will do ANYTHING for a ball.

The important thing is be flexible and willing to try new things. You never know what your dog may LOVE!

Let's welcome some of our recent clients! These 3 all came to us seeking help with different issues and all are doing am...

Let's welcome some of our recent clients! These 3 all came to us seeking help with different issues and all are doing amazing!

Pete came for puppy manners and basic behaviors.
Fergus came for off leash recall work and focus in distracting environments.
Tootsie has just joined this week for help with reactivity, in home and in public spaces.

Do you need help with any of these or more? Send us a message and let's discuss your needs and how we can help!


We have changed our name! This new name really reflects our core values and commitment to using positive techniques to help you and your pet!

Stay tuned for exciting content and more!

Love continuing my education and growing. So excited to announce I am officially Fear Free Certified!

Love continuing my education and growing. So excited to announce I am officially Fear Free Certified!

Louie and Romeo have been working hard on their manners in public. Today we were at the farmers market which was a big s...

Louie and Romeo have been working hard on their manners in public. Today we were at the farmers market which was a big step! Overall the boys did great!

Welcome to training Duke! Duke was a previously feral dog that was finally trapped after almost a year of work! We have ...

Welcome to training Duke! Duke was a previously feral dog that was finally trapped after almost a year of work! We have spent our first few sessions learning about home life and building confidence. Today he got to sift through toys. He even played tug for the first time ever!

Playing games can really help dogs gain confidence and break out of their shell. It was great to see Duke play today!

***note....that is a GPS tracking collar for safety NOT an e-collar 😁

What is better than one set of Lagotto's joining the training program? TWO sets of Lagotto's! Welcome to training Luci a...

What is better than one set of Lagotto's joining the training program? TWO sets of Lagotto's!

Welcome to training Luci and Bacci! We will be working on overall reactivity and confidence for both dogs and owner!

Welcome to training Louie and Romeo! These 2 are Lagotto Romagnolo's! We will be working on some social skills between t...

Welcome to training Louie and Romeo!

These 2 are Lagotto Romagnolo's! We will be working on some social skills between them and in public so they can go on more adventures with their family!

Hi all! I am hoping to revamp this page a bit and part of that is to add more content! However, I will admit content cre...

Hi all! I am hoping to revamp this page a bit and part of that is to add more content! However, I will admit content creation is a weak spot for me. Sooooo what sort of content would you like to see? This will help me know what I should be focusing on!

Welcome to the program Rocky!

Welcome to the program Rocky!

It's National Puppy Day!!!! My personal dogs are no longer pups but I still call them kids. I am blessed to work with a ...

It's National Puppy Day!!!! My personal dogs are no longer pups but I still call them kids. I am blessed to work with a variety of pups daily!

What is one of the most important things for a balanced well behaved dog? Proper socialization for puppies! Many believe this means exposing them to everything and everyone but that is not the case. It's important that these new experiences and interactions are positive for the pup!

Want to know how to do this? Let's talk!

Let's talk about impulse control! It is so important to teach your dogs to wait until you release them to grab things, g...

Let's talk about impulse control! It is so important to teach your dogs to wait until you release them to grab things, go through doors, etc. In this photo I am working with Bella. She LOVES her balls/toys, almost obsessively so, and has almost hurt people when she gets to sn**ch them up. I have been working with her awhile at this point and we have progressed to me piling toys at my feet, asking her to sit, then wait. I don't release her to pick a toy until she looks back up and focuses on me.....not the toys.

She has been doing AMAZING and it has all been done with positive reinforcement training. Impulse control is such an important skill for safety, for both you and the dog!



The IAABC is the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants and has an intensive certification process. I will be going through more certifications with them as well in the near future!

What does this mean for you? You can rest easy that you are working with a trainer that has had their knowledge and skills asessed and one that believes in continuing education. Reach out today to schedule an appointment!

Let's talk about exercise! Physical stimulation is important for your dogs health in addition to mental stimulation. A w...

Let's talk about exercise! Physical stimulation is important for your dogs health in addition to mental stimulation. A well exercised (mentally and physically) dog is less prone to destructive behaviors.

Ok enrichment part 2.....Did you know licking is calming for dogs? Many dogs will even self soothe by grooming themselve...

Ok enrichment part 2.....

Did you know licking is calming for dogs? Many dogs will even self soothe by grooming themselves, each other, or humans!

Licking mats are awesome enrichment that allows them to display this behavior! They come in many sizes, colors, and patterns. Some even have suction cups so you can stick them on the shower/sink when bathing your dog to keep them calm!

In these photos River and Wash are enjoying baby food (pumpkin, carrot, banana puree) and dog safe peanut butter. Other things that can be smeared on are wet dog food, veggie purees (such as green bean or carrot, plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or mashed dog safe fruits! Want it to last longer? Smear items on and freeze before giving to your dog!

Let's talk about the importance of mental stimulation! Engaging your dogs mentally can tire them out often just as well ...

Let's talk about the importance of mental stimulation! Engaging your dogs mentally can tire them out often just as well as physical exercise, sometimes even more! Here are a few of my favorites that really help tire out my active dogs that I purchased on Amazon. However, you don't need to buy products, you can make puzzle feeders and snuffle mats at home as well! The last picture is just a soda box filled with paper towels, toilet paper rolls, and kibble! Things I just had around the house! I will also include a link on how to make a snuffle mat at home in the comments. What are some puzzle feeds you have tried with your dogs?

Are you looking to add a new furry family member for the holidays? I can go with you to shelters or rescues to help you ...

Are you looking to add a new furry family member for the holidays? I can go with you to shelters or rescues to help you pick!

Need some help with your current furry or feathered family member? Ask about our holiday specials!




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