What is GDV? Gastric dilatation and volvulus is a life-threatening disorder most commonly seen in large, deep-chested dogs, although any dog may be affected. In its early stage, the stomach fills with gas, causing a simple gastric dilatation or "bloat". Sometimes, the condition progresses no further than a bloat - www.vcaanimalhospitals.com
Let's talk about GDV and preventable measures. I AM speaking from personal experiences and NOT giving medical advice, but educational information.
As a dog handler in the military we had to stay current on first aid and medical care. This is where I first learned about bloat and GDV. The military had very strict regulations on how the dogs needed to be fed before and after training. I have always stuck to that rule with all my personal dogs. My first experience with bloat was with my working dog in Iraq. She bloated, her stomach twisted and she was in full blown GDV. She had to have emergency surgery to decompress and flip her stomach back. Without surgery, she would have died. She did well in surgery and was back to her normal self in a few weeks. During the surgery, our veterinarian pexied her stomach. It is a procedure that I highly recommend for our deep chested dogs and very hyper/overactive dogs as a preventative measure. I recently had both of my Goldendoodles gastropexied because they are very hyper and on the go 24/7. After they eat, I always wait at least an hour and a half to two hours before I let them play. After speaking to my veterinarian, we both agreed that this would be the best preventative measure for them. I work at a vet clinic and have dealt with bloat hands-on at an emergency level. It is scary and time sensitive. I am attaching a link that talks about the surgery. This link is a very reputable link. It is not a Dr Google website. This website is ran by veterinarians and is an excellent source of information. Both my girls are recovering well. They are on lock down until they are completely healed. My dogs are my world and I will always do what is best for them.
*** If you have questions about this procedure, please reach out to your veterinarian
Commonly referred to as bloat, gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) is an often-fatal emergency that causes the dog’s stomach to distend and twist.