Home Depot was a busy place with lots of workers buzzing around doing inventory last week. In this video, Charlee is working on observing while maintaining a down command. I believe it's important for a dog to learn he can remain calm and in command in a distracting and exciting environment.
Look at Oliver's wagging tail. I love it 😍
Oliver at Home Depot after learning how to stay next to Kelly. Prior to this he was pulling hard on the leash and zigzagging all over the place. Success!
Gracie is learning a lot of new skills at 7 years old 💕
Al got an A+ at his first lesson today...and so did his owner 👍
Baylee's first lesson on loose lead walking 🥇
I was asked what voodoo I was working on Baylee because her walk this afternoon was night and day different than his walk with her this morning 😆.
Nina working on her loose leash walking through the store. She was nervous at first but built her confidence and rocked it!
Another one of Molly being a Rockstar at Lowe's.
Molly is a sweet Golden who is working on remaining calm in a fast paced environment. A valuable skill for any dog to learn!
Tri-tri began learning to "touch" the button on command.
Buddy is learning to ring the bell on command to signal when he has to go outside. This pup is learning incredibly fast!
Having some fun with Payton today to teach "touch"
Next we will have her solemnly swear on the Bible that she will stay on her place when told to do so 😆
Look at that tail a waggin'!
Having a little fun with Pip in between lessons today!
Working on Sunny learning to hit a button on command. They have yet to determine what the button will say when she hits it, but I'm sure it will be clever 😉
Yesterday, we began teaching Clyde to ring a doorbell to come inside. Thank you, Michelle, for letting me share your post!
Because Clyde body slams the door when he wants in or out, he's getting bells. The hamster wheel really grinds to a halt up there sometimes 😂 but he's learning 'touch' to let us know so we don't have to replace another door.🫠
Pack Leaders Dog Training
See a previous post for some background on Odie. This is the first time he'd been on a walk (I'll use the word "walk" loosely here), in his 1.5 years of life. I instructed his owner to walk so I could see what we were working with, and here it is 🙈. This video was taken weeks ago. I'm happy to report that Odie can now handle getting a slip lead on and off with ease and enjoys going for walks. He keeps me on my toes when I'm there, but I'll make it a point to show you an "after" video from our next session. I brought him home yesterday for an hour to build some trust with the little guy. He lost his sh*t (literally) in the kennel in the car and managed to walk around in it 💩. With the help of my vet tech friend, who conveniently lives a couple houses down, Jessie Kelley , we got him cleaned up and calmed down. He let me pet him without the bite-gloves on or expressing his anal glands (win!). We ended with him wrapped in a beach towel, like a burrito (see pic in a previous post, since I can't attach both the vid AND pics in this one). He was quite comfortable while Jess held him on the 1.5 mile car ride back to his house (still burritoed). When we got back to his home, he was like a different dog. He was happily wagging his tail, not barking at me or Jess like he has always done in the past any time I was present in their home. Also, he didn't try to attack me on my way out the door like he usually does 👏. I think we made progress. Stay tuned for updates on Odie over the next couple months.