Ear mites!
What are Ear Mites? Ear mites are tiny infectious organisms resembling microscopic ticks. The mite can just barely be seen by the naked eye as a small white dot, though. Ordinarily, it is necessary to look at an ear wax sample under the microscope to see it. Infection usually produces a characteristic dry black ear discharge that is commonly said to resemble coffee grounds. This discharge is composed of ear wax, blood, inflammatory biochemicals, and the ear mites themselves. Because the discharge is so classic in appearance, a diagnosis of ear mite infection is often made based on its presence. This leads to the potential to be led astray. It is best to examine the material under the microscope and confirm the mites so that proper treatment can be instituted.
Putting on my “rain Pancho”. Get it? His name is Pancho! #veterinaryhumor #dadjokesrule #dadjokes
Service dogs are awesome but my pandemic rescue pup is special too ❤️
High-five to this friendly kitty!
Super cute puppies, Cloud and Chopper, playing with each while waiting for their exams. #patientsoftheday #veterinarymedicine #vetmedicine #vetmed #puppiesofinstagram #pomskypuppy #morkiepuppy
Maru was a sweetie pie for her first veterinary visit at @bensonhurstvetcare #patientoftheday #veterinarymedicine #vetmedicine #vetmed
Checking stifles (knees) on a dog for CCL rupture
Checking a sedated dog’s stifles (knees) for a possible torn cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) that may be the cause of limping. This test is called the cranial drawer. In the videos here I am assessing both legs for excessive movement between the femur and tibia leg bones. As you can see there is slightly more movement on the right side compared to the left. A torn CCL is like a torn ACL in people. It is one of the most common orthopedic injuries in dogs. These often need to be repaired surgically if the joint is unstable. At @greenwoodvetcare I work with board-certified veterinary surgical specialists to repair these dogs’ legs. After surgery these dogs need at least 2 months of recovery and rehabilitation but can return to function. My dog @dreamydiegodoggo had a TPLO surgery at 5 years of age while I was in veterinary school and it helped him move well until he passed 6 years later. If you have any questions about your dog’s knees you should arrange for an examination with your veterinarian.
Winston was our super wiggly #patientoftheday ! #veterinarymedicine #vetmed #veterinarymed
This beautiful and sweet pup was our #patientoftheday #bullylove #veterinarymedicine #veterinarymed #vetmedicine #vetmed
Cold laser therapy session on a nice cat
Performing some cold laser therapy on a very compliant cat with intervertebral disc disease (back problems). Similar to acupuncture the goal is to decrease inflammation and stimulate healing.