Eddie the Dood loves his spa day! Watch him go to the truck and enter when I tell him to load up! You’re the best Eddie!
Zephyr is a girl who likes her spa day! She needs no coaxing to load up for some pampering!
Goodbye Bruiser. My heart aches knowing I groomed you for the last time. I will always love and remember you!
Zephyr is always excited for spa time!
To all my clients and followers, thank you for a wonderful year! I am blessed to be in a career that allows me to be happy and fulfilled by spending most of my waking hours (and quite possibly in my dreams) to have a great life working with dogs. Thank you for trusting me with the care of your dogs! I am very happy to be doing what I am, and I want to thank you all for the love and support I feel each time I am with you.
Have a safe and happy night, enjoy your family, friends and most importantly, love your dogs the way they love you - unconditionally!
Merry Christmas to all my clients, dogs and Fluff Your Pup family! Enjoy your day and your family and friends!
Love to all!
Diesel singing “The song of his people”, he sang non stop for an hour and 15 minutes. I am eternally grateful to the person who invented noise canceling headphones!
I cried tears of joy today! Bingo had been injured the last time I groomed him. He had an injury that affected his ability to walk and stand. He had surgery and the last time I groomed him was able to stand but not for long and he barely wagged his tail. Today he walked up to greet me, I was so excited. Then when I was grooming him, his tail was wagging nonstop! This groomer was so excited! I was worried about him, today he showed me that you never give up! Great job Bingo! I am so proud of you!
Kaia really likes her cookie!
Diesel loves to sing for me. I love to hear it, although I am very grateful I’m wearing ear protection!