We had to leave the raffle drawing to Brodie the professional, because foster puppy Hermey got a little too excited and kept trying to rip up all the tickets. Congratulations to our lucky winner who received an awesome collection of roadtrip prizes. Thank you to everyone who took part. We can't tell you how much this support helps us! Please stay tuned for the January raffle which will feature amazing prizes (for the humans and dogs in your life) just in time for Valentine's Day.
Over a year ago, Huxley came into our rescue with a severe case of congenital hydrocephalus, a condition where fluid gathers in the brain. His condition had progressed so badly that he was blind, unable to walk, experiencing seizures, and his heart rate was dangerously low. The only option to save Huxley's life was surgery. With the incredible support of our followers, Huxley underwent a shunt placement to relieve the horrific pressure in his head.
While Huxley did not regain his eyesight, his journey of recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. Slowly but surely, he made improvements in his learning ability. His awareness of space and the placement of his paws improved, allowing him to navigate his world better. He learned to drink water, communicate, and gravitate toward companionship.
Due to the severity of his condition, Huxley remained on daily medications. However, these medications are now doing more harm than good. Under the guidance of his neurology team, Huxley is being weaned off his medication. While he is not expected to show any more improvements at this point, our hope is that Huxley remains stable, comfortable, and happy.
Huxley requires supervised exercise because of his neurological deficits and has a special pen to keep him safe when he is alone. His quality of life needs to be monitored very closely, and he requires long-term supportive care. Our sanctuary will be Huxley's haven for as long as he continues to enjoy food, friends, warm baths, sunshine, fresh air, and cuddles.
Please consider a donation to help us prepare the sanctuary to be that haven for Huxley, where he can live his life filled with love and comfort. #twelvereasonstogivethisseason #speaksanctuary #kindnessisalanguagethedeafcanhearandtheblindcansee
How to give: https://speakrescue.charityproud.org/Donate/MiniCampaign/35052
Venmo: @SpeakSTL
Mail: Box 318, Troy, Illinois 62294
Congratulations to the winner of our November raffle! Brodie had a little (very little) help with this morning's drawing. Thanks to everyone who supports our monthly raffle. These donations do so much to help with our overwhelming expenses. Stay tuned for December's fantastic prizes!
Happy Friday and congratulations to our October raffle winner! Brodie didn't have any foster puppies to assist this time around, so he called on a special guest. Thanks for all your support! Wait until you see what we have in store for November!
Looks like Brodie is again delegating the raffle drawing to his foster puppies. This time, teeny Alice ran away with the winning ticket! Thank you so much for all the incredible support. The funds we raise from our monthly raffles really help us cover our expenses. Congratulations to our September winner and stay tuned for a fantastic prize for October.
Brodie was all set to do the drawing for the August raffle, but his foster puppy George decided to take over instead! Congratulations to the winner of the awesome Furbo dog camera. We depend on these raffles to help cover our monthly expenses, so thanks to everyone who donated. We’ll be launching our September raffle in the next day or so. Hint: It’s cute and spooky!
What better way to kick off the weekend than with a puppy tea party? Remember sweet Banjo (formerly Zinc) with the wonky front leg? He was discarded because he wasn't "perfect." Well, his little girl sure thinks he's absolutely perfect and loves holding tea parties for her pups. We aren't sure there's anything in the world that could be sweeter than this!
Thanks to everyone who took part in our July raffle. Watch Brodie pick the winner! We can't thank you enough because we truly depend on these funds for our daily operations. Stay tuned for an announcement on our exciting August raffle. Thanks so much!