So OC Supervisor Don Wagner is at it again with the shelter.
Recently Senator Janet Nguyen was interviewed on KFI by The John Kobylt Show Listeners Page (formerly John and Ken Show Listeners) She was criticizing OC Animal Care for their horrific administration of the shelter. She had facts. She had photos.
Then Don Wagner from the OC Board of Supervisors decides to go on KFI last night to lie about OCAC some more, and to inpugn Senator Nguyen.
Don, before we get into all of the untruths you spewed, please explain this to me. You said you had no knowledge of the animals depicted in the pictures Senator Nguyen had. These were pictures of greivously injured animals in the animal shelter you oversee. One of these animals died slowly, over the course of several days in a pool of his own blood. Why would you not know about this? Why is no one looking at this? Even with 24 hours time before you went on KFI to question Senator Nguyen's integrity, you didn't take the time to find out how this ONE dog died. You know why you didn't? Because you don't care.
Ok. Let's get into it.
1. Don Wagner states that the lawsuit was dismissed and was all in favor of the shelter. No Don it wasn't. The Pro Bono attorney's resigned and the lawsuit was pulled.
2. You wondered why Senator Nguyen didn't reach out to you? She didn't need to. She has the OC Grand Jury report. You know, the report that agrees with everything us "activists" have been saying since 2020?
3. You said the shelter has invited in all the legislators. We know that the shelter spent more labor dollars the week before the Foley visits than in over a year. Yes Don, they were cleaning. (Yes we are going to do Public Records Requests because we bring receipts Don)
4. We are also going to do Public Records request for the veterinarian's on site hours. You said vets are always on call which is a new bit of information for us. Pretty sure you made that one up on the fly Don. Good one, though Don. 👍
5. You said that animals come into the shelter in terrible shape and it falls on the shelter, OCCR, and the Board of Superviors to take care of them...SO DO IT. Leaving them suffering in a cage is not ok Don. (Read back on my posts to 2020 documenting a kitten who FELL out of a cage at the shelter and broke her hip. She sat in the cage for 9 days with medication only documented 3 times. Did you see that email Don? This is not new behavior for the administration)
6. Don says that the cages are clean. No Don. They aren't. We have been posting pics of filthy cages, empty water bowls, disgusting litter boxes and just plain filth since 2020. We know that it is physically impossible for the kennel attendants to keep up. The shelter is administration heavy and the line level employees are overworked, and the shelter is filthy. That is why OCAC is closed Don.
7. I can barely bring myself to address the shelter stats lie again. YOU CANNOT CHANGE STATS Don. They are euthanizing Don. And the only reason the numbers aren't worse is because they aren't accepting cats Don. Math is math folks.
I hope that John Kobylt cut you off because he is as disgusted by this as we are. I am not even going to ask you to do better, Don because we see who you are. You can't do better.
I really hope we aren't disappointed by another politician. Janet Nguyen you have a lot of good people who will fight with you and help to make OCAC worthy of the time, money and care OC residents have put into this once wonderful place. Our hearts have been broken too many times.
You can hear the Don Wagner interview posted in comments.
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OC Shelter Partners is a Shelter Intervention Team. We help keep pet families stay together.