MTG is like Catnip for Pigs!
A silly vid we made for our sister page 'The Pig Patrol' about a product called MTG that we've used for years, it works wonders for skin issues while also providing a great deal of entertainment. Just like Catnip the smell of MTG drives pigs crazy!
Cherish Our Older Pigs, Don't Euthanize Them!
In this video you see our beloved Olivia approximately one month before she passed. She was skinny and riddled with cancer. She couldn’t get up by herself without help. But once you got her up and on her feet she was a fierce ball of energy who loved life until the very end. Although old pigs are more time consuming and costly to care for they are worth every extra ounce and deserve to live life to the fullest. Sadly, we recently completed an investigation into a rescue that routinely euthanizes older pigs for every lame excuse under the sun which is entirely unacceptable, something we will discuss more fully later. Until then, you can be reassured that the old folks here at Pig Oinks live out their entire natural lives with love and respect as it really shouldn’t be any other way.
Update: please sign our petition against Rooterville for their crimes against pigs:
More Footage of Prissy’s Healing, Yay!
Day Seventeen of Mom’s Hunger Strike!
Prissy and Bomber are coming back soon!
What we were doing while being attacked.....
Pigs Eatin' and Wallerin'
Pigs Running for a Treat!