The Effect of a Nervous Human.... one of my favorite studies!
Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences looked at the effect of an increased heart rate in a human on the horse they were riding or handling.
Here's a link from the abstract... "Each horse–human pair walked or rode between points A and B (30 m) four times on each test occasion.
However, just before the fourth pass, participants were told that an umbrella⛱ would be opened as they rode, or led, the horse past the assistant.
The umbrella was not opened, so this pass was no different to the previous control occasions, but nevertheless there was an increase in HR for both the person AND the horse."
We affect our horses.
When looking at any training "issue", our first responsibility is to to know ourselves and explore if there's something we could do better.
Here's a link to the research article, unfortunately I couldn't find a full text version easily available online, but you can read the rest of the abstract here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S109002330900121X?via%3Dihub