As we continue our recognition of Animal Pain Awareness Month, we would love to spotlight two employees who have become invaluable at our Integrated Pain Management Centers. If you've brought your pet to either location, you've likely encountered Samantha Hendozka (St. Louis City clinic) or Kelly Sabourin (Maryland Heights clinic) who help our patients with their ongoing pain treatments through resources like the water treadmill and laser therapy.
For Samantha, "being able to see the difference/progress firsthand that a patient has made in just one visit or from their first visit to the last visit is what makes the job worth it. Also, the relationships and trust you build with the clients and patients is amazing as well."
For Kelly, she says she finds her work in the Integrated Pain Management Center to be rewarding. "I myself suffer from issues. I have several herniations in my back, and arthritis. I myself go to a pain center... I understand their pain. So when I was offered this position last November, I jumped on it. I thought it would be so rewarding to help animals get out of pain the way I have been helped."
Thank you, Samantha and Kelly, for all you do for our patients! 👏