Let's talk... (this is a long one but, hopefully worth the time).
We do not breed doodles, it is a personal preference of ours. And, while we do breed merles with the understanding that the merle gene was presented into the breed fairly recently, we also understand that the term “purebred” is a misnomer. For a dog to be considered purebred it must have no other breeds introduced into it for a certain number of generations. While that number differs according to who you ask, at some point, merle poodles became purebred poodles.
Interestingly, those who take issue with merle in poodles because it’s “sneaky” also harbor resentment for doodles who are overtly mixes of established breeds. Before humans walked the Earth, there were no purebred dogs. All the breeds we know and love so much were created by breeding different canines with desired traits into one package. Without the innovative thinking it may have taken at the time, we may not have had purebred dogs now. Following that logic, aren’t doodle breeders doing what it took to give us poodles and all other breeds in the first place?
And true, there are some doodle breeders in it for the wrong reasons producing questionable lines with upsetting and unethical practices, but that is an unfortunate fact for any breed.
All of this to say we are not interested in your hate or derision. If breeders are using ethical breeding practices, taking care of their dogs, and producing quality progeny, leave them alone. There are other issues, both in and out of the world of breeding, that could use that scrutiny. Go find those.
And, as for why WE don’t breed doodles… we think poodles, as they exist, are perfect and see no need to personally tamper with that perfection 😊
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.