Cioccolato Bianca de Bella
Bella’s White Chocolate. Baby Bell, donkey, Bell-Bell, Bella-wella. We had 13 wonderful years with you. You were one of the best girls. You were such a wonderful mommy, and Grammy to all the puppies. You were so smart. Taught yourself to open and close the door. Taught yourself how to detect when Grampa was having a sugar low and started pushing him to the kitchen. You spent countless summer days eating apples, playing with your pack, hiking with us, and swimming in the pond. You spent fall and winters snacking on deer bones, playing in the snow, and ice fishing with us. When Grampa was still here, you went everywhere with him. You were his best friend and loyal companion. You loved kids and stayed by their side while they visited us in Dixmont. After Grampa passed, sometimes I would notice you gazing over the back hill, sniff at the kennel door, then the garage, and scan the front lawns…like you were looking for him. You fought your weakening muscles for a long time ol’ girl. You were a tough pup. Your resilience lives on in the generations of puppies, grandpuppies, and great-grandpuppies you have all over the USA. I just know you jumped right into Grampa’s arms, a puppy again, healed & restored. Give Grampa & the rest of the pack that is up there some kisses for us. We love you Bella.