"Dogs are small rays of light caught on earth for a short time to brighten our days."
Our dearest Ellie crossed rainbow bridge today. She was such a strong girl. She overcame so much in her senior years.
Born on 9/21/2011 to Beanie & Chewie, the only girl in the litter, you had 3 brothers ( Bongo, Baxter and Rocky)
You gave birth to your first litter on 4/29/2013 you had 3 little girls we named Live, Love, Laugh
In your younger years I loved giving you piggy tails and dressing you up for Halloween, you won a few costume contests at the pet store! You were my girl 💗 the very first puppy we kept from one of our litters (see what you started!)
Thank you for being one of our best!! A favorite for sure! And thanks for putting up with all of your nicknames; Eleanor, E.B. Buns, Ellie Belly Buns, pretty princess girl, Ella Nora Breadstick (come on everyone has heard of stellla Doro breadsticks) Ella Bella and once in a while I used your actual name, Ellie.
I hope you found Momma Beanie and Papa Chewie hopefully Bongo and Baxter were there too!
We will meet again, all of us, we have to, our hearts are all connected. Rest peacefully my pretty pretty princess girl ❤️