An Island snow day complete with breakfast at @doebaycafe
Breakfast for this beauty. #fjord #islandhorse #norwegiangirl #orcasisland
Spending 30 years riding on the back of this little pony has been one of the great honors of my life. We have learned so much in the years and I have found a peace I didn’t know existed. #fjordhorse #heisstilltheone❤️ #norwegianfjords #horseriding
Peace. #todayshope #quietmoments #cresentbeach #orcasstrong
Possibly the best way to start my day is with these ladies. #pekins #honkhonk #ducksareawesome #farmlife #morningrituals #orcas
Protecting the hive, yellow jacket robbing invasion. #protectyourhome #islandlife #honeybees #topbarhive #orcasisland #littlesolders
Nothing like a freshly drawn bath. #pekin #aflacduck #farmlife #ducksofinstagram #farmsoforcas
Hello rain! #nature #landscape_love #theviewfromhere #orcasisland #farmsoforcas #spring #almostsummer #visitsanjuans
Just looking for friends through all that hair! #farmlife #norwegianfjords #horsesofinstagram #hairextensions
Island tundra. #farmsoforcas #coldweather #freezingmyassoff #islandlife #ithurtsbutitworks
28 year old retired fjord just enjoying a bucket of oats on this glorious, but frigid day. #retiredlife #enjoytheview #pony #islandlife #farmlifebestlife #norwegianfjords #orcasisland #visitsanjuans #farmsoforcas