This shows the faith we have with our pets and how helpful they are
I just came across this video showing the amazing bond that children have with their dogs. This girl is over coming a massive battle for her young age just great that she has her dog to lean on .
This message came with video to let you know what she is going through. When you see this we do not know how lucky we are with our aches and pains it is nothing to what she is going through.
Yesterday we had an appointment at Children’s and Bella and George decided to take the stairs. I have video of them also going down and George does wonderful with his one step. Bellas knee is doing amazing! She has her post op appointment tomorrow with dr Yen to see how he thinks it’s recovering. But at least it hurts less 3 weeks post op than it did before. And once PT starts it should start to feel even better. She already had full range of motion back.
I just got a call from Dr Lange who will be doing the hip replacement and they are making a custom one and if there are no issues it will be all finished by late fall. He is going to touch base with her geneticists to make sure everyone is on the same page and he isn’t missing anything. Hopefully this also means he will work on getting permission to do the surgery at Children’s since both genetics think that is the best thing. But at least things are moving in the right direction and things are in the works.
Thanks for checking in. Love Bella and George
The big & Small having fun love the look in dogs eyes
The big and the small getting to know each other. How do you like the look in the dog's eyes?
What rating out of 10 do you give this video gentle giant
This is a Gentle Giant walking a toddler please comment if you like it as much as I do
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We’re in the business of Of bring joy to Puppy and Dog Owners also Tips and Accessories to make your Pets Happy
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We’re in the business of Promoting taking excellent care of you dog or puppy we have amazing dog training videos