TotoFit Paw Products Fun!
🆒Here is another exercise you can do with our 2024 Holiday Paws Package!🆒
🐾Stepping sideways on our TotoFit NubbyPAWDS and SmoothPAWDS and onto our MATZ helps your dog develop body awareness, as well as secondary core muscles.🐾
🐾Having the dog put its hind legs on our K9 Kore Balance Disk w/Base increases the challenge and works on abdominal core and hind end muscles, in additional to front end muscles.🐾
This special paw product package is available through December 31, 2024 and you can find it here:
#TotoFit #Quality #K9Fitness #Purple
Let LEVON & I show you some things you can do with our 2024 Holiday PAWS PACKAGE to ELEVATE your dog's K9 Fitness challenge!
Once your dog learns to place its paws on the products and stand still while they're on the ground, you can:
🐾Put the Nubby TotoPAWDS on an elevated surface so that your dog shifts its weight to the hind end when he places his paws on the PAWDS. This focuses on hind end core strengthening.
🐾Put the Smooth TotoPAWDS on a slightly unstable surface so your dog uses more front core muscles to maintain balance.
🐾Have your dog back onto a set of TotoPAWDS to work on precision, body awareness and coordination.
🐾Place the TAGZ on a moving surface, like our Wobble Board, to create significant instability so your dog must really use its core muscles for balance.
🐾Place the MATZ on an inflatable product like our K9 Kore Disk to help your dog with control, focus and balance.
🐾Have your smallish dog learn to free stack on our PUCKZ -- not gunna happen with BIG DOG/BIG PAWS. [This was actually pretty difficult for him and it probably felt pretty weird.]
Chose either Nubby or Smooth PAWDS, packaged with our TAGZ, MATZ and PUCKZ, on sale through 12/31/24 and found here:
🐾TOTOFIT--it's not just for Performance Dogs & Orthopedic Rehab...a personal experience.🐾
You've seen Elsa in my videos and photos over the last 9 years -- she's helped demonstrate our products at shows and online. She's a dog I bred and she grew up on TotoFit, as have her puppies. So she's always been strong and fit -- and fierce and fiesty!
🙄On April 15th, after a horrific day of traveling to different vets and ending up in the absolute right place, Elsa was diagnosed with a ruptured gallbladder. Yes, ruptured. The only option was surgery - on a 9 year old Berner who was in critical condition. Odds of survival were 50/50 BUT if she came through it, the doctors believed she could lead a quality life. Ultrasounds, x-rays showed no cancer, definitely a factor in our decision-making, but what tipped the scales for us is that
💜SHE's ELSA!💜 Small and mighty, a determined girl with a strong spirit.
😞At 11:30 that night we were told she had made it thru surgery as well as could be expected. The next morning vets and nurses were very cautious about where this all was headed (bile peritonitis, inflamed everything)...but I knew because 💜SHE's ELSA!💜 The next day they suggested we come and bring some food for her because they couldn't get her to eat. We did and she ate. The next day they took out her IV and drain and one vet whispered to me: She's amazing. I replied, 💜SHE's ELSA!💜 We took her home the following day.
🫤 It's been a long six-weeks of managing meds/diet nausea/diarrhea, but also because she was generally weak, particularly in her hind end and she had difficulty standing. We explored possible reasons for this with a local vet and decided to give it time and start back with some easy fitness exercises. Her hind end is much improved now and we're working on abdominal core, as you'll see in the video. T-O-U-C-H on our K9 Kore ORBit is her favorite.
🙂I truly believe that one of the factors contributing to this happy endi
When you're making a video and you want the sign on one side and you need to be on the other employ a PARKOUR move to help the dog get on in good form ==> Through!
AKC Fit Dog Level 1 Strength/Fitness Skill - Shake a Paw
We start by having the dog sitting on a platform (in this case an awesome foldup Mat that is affordable and has incredible versatility!) and increase the challenge/difficulty by doing it while standing and/or having the dog raise its leg higher and/or increasing the time the leg is in the air and/or doing it on an unstable object and/or doing it on two unstable objects -- aka TotoFit products!😉
#akcfitdog #TotoFit #caninefitness #BuildingBetterDogs
TotoFit AKC Fit Dog Fun Fitness Walk
Levon and I walked a mile in the beautiful Hopelands Gardens for our second AKC Fit Dog Virtual Walk this month. We incorporated some Fun Fitness exercises along the way that your dog can do, too!
When introducing fitness exercises to your dog, please remember the following: don't ask your dog to do more than he/she is able, we don't want to cause any pain during or after exercise; the experience should be positive for both you and your dog; make sure you are doing the exercises in a safe environment on safe surfaces and watch out for others who may be walking, too.
[Always this advice: consult with a veterinarian before starting any exercise program with your dog!]
1. Standing stilll for 10 seconds (sounds easy? maybe....maybe not!)
2. Weight Shifting (don't know what this is? watch/listen to the video!)
3. Sit-to-Stand (your dog knows this, right? the way that builds core strength effeciently?)
4. Walking Backwards (getting a little tougher, but you can do it!)
5. Lateral Movement (pivoting, side-stepping or in equine speak half-pass)
Just mix it up along the way, keep moving and have fun!!
TotoFit Fun Fitness AKC Virtual Fit Dog Walk - Walk #2 for Janauary
For those familiar with the process, here are the particulars:
1. Complete your one mile walk between January 15 and January 31, 2024
2. Document it in a tracking app - I like images 😁, maybe a photo of your dog on the trail, a map of your walk. Documentation must show the date and the distance you walked. TotoFit just may hold a contest for best picture in a couple months!
3. Fill out the official AKC Documentation Form.
4. Email the distance documentation and the AKC Documentation Form (jpg or pdf) to: [email protected] It would be helpful if you had FitDog Walk in the subject line so I can spot them quickly.
5. I will check it out, sign it and em
🆒Here it is--our TotoFit New Year 2024 AKC Virtual Fit Dog Walk #1!
For those familiar with the process, here are the particulars:
1. Complete your one mile walk between January 1 and January 15, 2024
2. Document it in a tracking app - I like images 😁, maybe a photo of your dog on the trail, a map of your walk. Documentation must show the date and the distance you walked. TotoFit just may hold a contest for best picture in a couple months!
3. Fill out the official AKC Documentation Form. I have one filled out in the comments, but feel free to use one that you may have pre-filled with your info.
4. Email the distance documentation and the AKC Documentation Form (jpg or pdf) to: [email protected] It would be helpful if you had FitDog Walk in the subject line so I can spot them quickly.
5. I will check it out, sign it and email it back to you and you send it in with your Title Application!
For those who want a little more info, check out the video and keep watching this page.
And VERY IMPORTANT: We have can see them in the video. First walk is HOLOGRAPHIC; second has GLITTER! This month, we'll send you a sticker for your first walk with us; a sticker and a magnet for your second walk! Just provide your mailing address in your email and we'll cover the postage!
Please feel free to ask questions and remind me if I have forgotten anything!
Levon [FITG] and I will walk a mile for each of TotoFit's virtual walks. If you guys are doing it, we're right there with you! We actually have a lot of fun and do most of our training on the trails! We'll show you how to incorporate some canine fitness exercises into your walks! You can meet him tomorrow.
[CORRECTION to what I said in the video: you only need ONE Class C2 walk to earn 3 points towards your Bronze title! Sorry about that, but it's good news!)
Have you experienced our K9 Kore Disk and ORBit products? There's so much you can do to help your dog's balance, body awareness, and core strength with this package, and we're taking $10.00 OFF shipping when you order it before 1/2/2024! Use Discount Code SHIP10 at checkout!