2025 Spring /Summer Scout dates are out Dates: We are currently registering troops for our Scout days. To register please fill out the google form, forms.gle/JwtxrWSkr45vBJbF7 you will be emailed back with a confirmed time. Additional dates may be available on request. More info can be found on our website as well https://sites.google.com/view/achornacres/home
Saturday May 10th
Saturday May 24th
Sunday May 25th
Sunday June 1st
Friday July 18th (full day program)
Program info
The cost for each program is $30/scout. Each program is an hour and a half. For "Pet Care" and "Three Cheers for Animals", we can take up to 15 scouts; for "Horseback Riding" and "Animal Helpers" we can take up to 10 scouts (some days may be 12). If your troop is large we can split into two groups; for example, the first group comes from 12-1:30, and the second group comes from 1:30-3.
What to Expect: For all of our programs, we begin by discussing animal safety. After our safety talk we typically split into two groups: one group will start with non-riding activities, while the other group rides horses. We will then switch halfway through so that everyone has a change to do each of the activities. The exception is the pet care in which large troops will be split into three groups and will rotate through the different activities.