We have helped several dogs through Bring Portuguese Podengos to Light 💚 Our contact reached out yesterday saying that they were rescuing this boy from an Azorian pound and that she would love if we named him. He was so dapper that we both decided on naming him Benton. Thanks to the collective effort of many organizations, Benton is one of the lucky ones. Thank you for allowing us to help him. 🥹
We are so thankful to Heather at Pet Wants Newport for agreeing to carry our ornaments and jewelry over the next few months. Please consider swinging by Pet Wants at 3001 E. Main Road in Portsmouth, RI and show your support to us and a great local business. There are SO many great products for your pets, made from only the best sourced ingredients.
This is Niko, a dog we helped fund that was rescued by Bring Portuguese Podengos to Light . Unfortunately hunting season has started in Portugal and in the Azores. Many Podengos & mixes like Niko are going to be discarded in pretty cruel ways. We are so thankful for the continual efforts of Bring Portuguese Podengos to Light. They help so many pups each season and throughout the year. If you’re able to help us in funding more, please go to the link in our bio and consider donating. Thank you 💚
Yesterday was a very emotion filled day transporting a pup in need of a fresh start to Fast Friends Greyhound Adoption Center . Though I knew it would be hard I had Greyson come along, it’s important for him to understand that sometimes doing good isn’t easy, but it doesn’t mean to shy away from helping in those instances. He also got to meet some of the dogs from the China meat trade that we’ve helped. Carla & I were fortunate enough to be given a tour last Sat. when we were up. Fast Friends and their staff do such amazing things for these various hounds that wouldn’t otherwise have a second chance at life. Their 24hr care, patience & dedication towards physical and emotional rehabilitation is so admirable. We are so thankful to them for supporting and being a partner to our little organization. We are all part of the collective effort to help rescue dogs world wide and it’s important that all rescues & organizations realize this, and help one another where and when they can.
I just finished setting up and will here from 2-6pm today. It’s beautiful out, and lots of shade under this massive tent. Please come down and visit!
We saw this update on Clarke and we had to share it… he looks so happy and you can tell he is getting stronger. It’s also super sweet he is trying to comfort the new resident, poor little thing 🥺 Galgos del Sol thank you for sharing and for all that you do 💚
Do you remember our post about helping Panda on Jan 9th? Well, we just spotted this update from @candyshoundrescueinternational and it truly fills our hearts. What an amazing transformation in only 4 weeks!!!! 💛🥹 Candy’s does such unbelievable work and we are happy to help when we can.
In need of a little pick-me-up after the holidays? I highly recommend calling your local shelter, asking how many fur residents they have, stopping by your local pet store to get enough bullies & treats… and finally the best part, hand delivering them to each of them. Today your kindness of donations helped give the animals at @potterleague some joy 💚🧡 Thank you to Potter League for Animals for all that they do every day to help the animals & people of our community.
Our connection in Kuwait rescued this Frenchie and these two Salukis from the horrific Friday Market. We are so thankful for Leila’s heart and refusal leave without all three. All were starving and the tied to stakes in the heat without any water. Our organization was able to help out with some of their immediate care thanks to those that support us. Please consider donating if you’re able. Thank you 💛Link in bio.
In case you’re having issues viewing the original link I posted. For the last few months we’ve had a fantastic JWU design group working on a few things for . I attended their final presentation today and this 6min promo video made me cry…grateful tears. In March Carla & I had a conversation, and I had an idea for a logo. Fast forward 8 months and we’ve established ourselves as a 501c3 and created partnerships with amazing organizations around the globe. As of today we’ve helped 40+ dogs 🥹 Thank you for believing in us and helping to support our passion to help save dogs. Candy’s Hound Rescue , Bring Portuguese Podengos to Light & Fast Friends Greyhound Adoption Center we made sure to mention you in the video and they also added you to our Partners Page on greyfosterfund.org 💚 Please take 6 min out of your day to appreciate all of the hard work Anya, Ally & Jenna did 🙌 Karyn Jimenez-Elliott