CHICKS… The reaction to this egg shortage is making me sick… people were lined up at one of our local feed stores waiting to get chicks! Let me tell you that if you are getting chicks because of the egg shortage, you are absolutely ridiculous. You won’t even get eggs for about 5 months. Please make a responsible decision as chicks turn into chickens, who can live a very long life. This is Bob, our blind hen. She is 16 years old. Chickens may need to go to the vet… And it’s expensive. They need to have their coops cleaned out, and be fed and watered daily. Chickens will poop everywhere… all over your patio and patio furniture. If you live in the city, you likely cannot take in any roosters you happen to get accidentally. All the rescues and sanctuaries I know are full on roosters. Please don’t get chicks unless you are ready to care for them for their entire lifetime, and please don’t get chicks or any other animal as Easter presents. They are pets just like your dogs and cats are, and deserve to be treated as such. Chickens make amazing pets but please do your research before getting them. ❤️🐓 Please Share #chicks #pets #eggshortage #chickens
In and out of the pool … Lizzie loves her duckies # # #fightlikeaduck #lizzietheduck #balutsurvivor
I know it’s hard to believe that these are Zara’s natural highlights but it’s true… she is a natural beauty 🤩 #zaraandromeoemus #higlights #redhighlights
The Princess ducky may want to join the witness protection program!!! Lizzie definitely chose violence today! Lol. A BIG thank you to Sid for sending new rubber duckies for Lizzie, including Easter duckies!!! And a generous gift card! We appreciate the support ❤️❤️ #fightlikeaduck #lizzietheduck #balutsurvivor
I have only seen Zara lay an egg a few times. I was able to get one time on video. Watch close and you can see the green egg pop out. #zaraandromeoemus #egglaying #emu #emuegg
This is our disabled duck enclosure. All the ducks in this enclosure have leg issues or spine issues. They would have been euthanized if they didn’t come here. If put into a regular duck area, they would have been re-injured and likely trampled to death. They have a low pool that they can easily get in and out of, and they are able to walk into all of their duck houses. We are grateful to have them here with us where they can safely enjoy their lives. #Ducks #rescue
No Duckies Left Behind!! #lizzietheduck #fightlikeaduck #nevergiveup #balutsurvivor #rubberduckie
CHICKEN CHAIR. After posting about our guinea keet, with leg issues in their chairs, I received hundreds of messages asking how I made the chick chair. I used what I had around the house to make this chair to keep the guinea keets upright so that they could eat and drink on their own while hopefully recovering from leg issues after hatching. Please let me know if you have any questions. Please follow my page. ❤️🐓 #rescue #loveheals #chickchair #guineakeet
Lizzie is such a smart girl. She loves to play games. She was supposed to be Balut but hatched instead. Her legs were so deformed from hatching in the egg carton that she couldn’t swim. After double leg surgery she is learning to duck again. Go Lizzie Go!!! #balutsurvivor #lizzietheduck #nevergiveup #catch #rubberduckie
Feeding Time!!!! I like to use egg yolk with chicks that are struggling. They form out of the egg yolk so it has all the nutrients they need. I like to mix in some water with electrolytes. This little chick loved the mixture… A little too much… I was actually worried she was going to aspirate herself. She is doing great though. Before I try to dropper feed, I will see if the baby wants to try to eat on their own. This little one wanted to swim in the food! I was so happy that she was so enthusiastic about eating. She was the little chick that was on the right side of the video earlier. Finger crossed that all are getting stronger. We have 2 that are walking and are in a broader of their own, 1 passed, and we have the 3 that can’t walk. 💪🏻❤️ 🐥 🐥 🐥 #guineafowls #guineakeet #nevergiveup #loveheals #rescue
Good news… all 3 are still with us this morning, although the little one on the far right is touch and go. Hoping all continue to get stronger. The little one on the left wanted to drink out of his friends water not his.. they are all so very precious. Hoping for a good strong day! Thank you for all the good thoughts and prayers for these little guinea fowl. *Tractor Supply called me and asked me to take them because they weren’t doing well yesterday. All three couldn’t stand 🙏❤️. #guineafowls #nevergiveup #loveheals