A Pawsitive Outlook Inc. Canine Sanctuary

A Pawsitive Outlook Inc. Canine Sanctuary Mission: Offer an alternative to euthanasia for older dogs or those that may have an issue (or 2, or


Let's talk about this photo. It's cute, except it's not. I see a dog who cannot get up without telling the child to get off. How do you think a dog is going to do that?

The 7 Golden Toddler Dog Rules:
#1: If a dog walks away from you, you DO NOT FOLLOW.
#2: Always leave room for the dog to walk away from you.
---that right there is 90+% of dog bites eliminated---
#3: We do not climb on the dog.
#4: We do not grab or pull on the dog.
#5: We do not hit or throw anything at the dog.
#6: We do not touch the dog's food.
#7: We do not go into the dog's kennel.

I promise these are not overly difficult concepts for littles, nor will they rob a kid of their bond with the family dog. It will deepen that bond, while keeping everyone safe.

"Oh, it looks like Moose is walking away from you. She is saying she wants a break. Let's play with this instead!"

"It's Moose's dinner time! Let's give her space to enjoy her yummies."

"That is Moose's room(kennel) and only she is allowed to go in there."

"If Moose wanted a break, could she walk away from you right now? No she really couldn't. Let's move away from the play house. You can keep playing but now she can leave when she wants a break."

In conclusion, ***parent your child or your dog will do it for you, and you will not like how they do it.***

Pyr peeps, here’s a fun and early heads up for next year’s Christmas card contest!!!! How FUN for Odin!!!❤️‼️

Pyr peeps, here’s a fun and early heads up for next year’s Christmas card contest!!!! How FUN for Odin!!!❤️‼️

This year with all the tension and turbulence in the world GPRW thought a little levity is called for .
Our 1st place winner of the 2023 Christmas Picture contest goes to “Odin “ and his owner Rebecca Aull from Chilton WI. The phrase inside the card reads” Merry Christmas . I licked the envelopes ! “
Being 1st place winner Odins picture graced GPRWs Christmas cards distributed to all those who have adopted since 2007 . Rebecca also received 24 cards to distribute to her friends and loved ones and 2 GPRW shirts .
Start entering those pics for next years contest anytime thru the year. They will be collected and kept on file . They can be winter scenes , Christmas scenes , whatever you’d like to submit as long as there is a Pyr in it ! And that Pyr does not have to be GPRW alumni .
Thank you to all who submitted pictures !!
Thank you to all who have adopted .
Thank you to all who have voluntered !
May this year fill your heart with content .
Carole, Hanna, Marisa, Glen , Regan , Kandy , Katherine, Beth , Barb and Gunner.
Send pics to wooflodge@yahoo..com

Met these two boys while they were at Great Pyrenees Rescue of Wisconsin, Inc. BOTH TOTAL SWEETHEARTS!!💙💙

Met these two boys while they were at Great Pyrenees Rescue of Wisconsin, Inc. BOTH TOTAL SWEETHEARTS!!💙💙


It's that time of year

This boy needs a SAFE place to land for his FOREVER!!!! 6ft fence is required for this boy, so PLEASE spread the word…so...

This boy needs a SAFE place to land for his FOREVER!!!! 6ft fence is required for this boy, so PLEASE spread the word…so the PERFECT HOME can be found. 💙🐾💙

Can’t tell you hoooow muuuch I HATE this “test”……….

Can’t tell you hoooow muuuch I HATE this “test”……….

Sharing this story to remind people that you NEVER know the whole story about why a pooch, OR sometimes MORE importantly...

Sharing this story to remind people that you NEVER know the whole story about why a pooch, OR sometimes MORE importantly it’s human, needs help.

At a very special dog walk, Sophie’s Circle Rainbow Bridge Walk. We’re walking for soooooooo many special pooches. 💙🐾❤️🐾...

At a very special dog walk, Sophie’s Circle Rainbow Bridge Walk. We’re walking for soooooooo many special pooches.


This introduction is not for the faint of heart .

Please welcome Moose to the rescue .
On 11/13/21 a neighbor saw Moose on his property and called the friendly dog to him . He then shot him point blank .
To save Moose’s life his rear leg was amputated .
Moose with the help of a wonderful family who assumed responsibility for Moose and the bill took Moose in and nursed him back to health .
Recently that same family running into life changing events found themselves no longer able to care for Moose and brought him to rescue .
4 year old Moose has physically healed from the amputation. He gets around quite well . He requires no medication or medical treatment .
I do believe Moose does suffer from the canine equivalent of PTSD.
While once a friendly out going boy he now fears loud noises , especially guns and thunderstorms.
Moose is afraid of men and needs to be introduced slowly . He is not aggressive. Just terrified .
Moose should not be left alone for long periods of time as he becomes anxious .
Moose may benefit from being with another dog, preferably female. He requires a fenced yard .
Stability is extremely important in this fellas life .
GPRW wants to thank Moose’s people for stepping up and taking in this boy when no one else would .
Special thanks to Regan Poynter, Cindy Barch and Glen Lauersdorf for donating their time to arrange and transport Moose to us and above all for seeing the value in this boys life .
If interested in adopting Moose please send us an email at [email protected]
Carole and Crew

This is not an absolute sequence of steps, ESPECIALLY if a pooch has been DISCOURAGED, or even more so, if PUNISHED for ...

This is not an absolute sequence of steps, ESPECIALLY if a pooch has been DISCOURAGED, or even more so, if PUNISHED for displaying one of these behaviors. This is a general list of the progression MOST dogs will traverse in displaying their discomfort in situations they either find themselves in OR that you, as their trusted human, puts them in. PLEASE recognize AND figure out WHAT are they uncomfortable about. THEN either figure out how you’re going to HELP them become comfortable OR reach out for help if you aren’t able to…
ALMOST ALWAYS, your pooch WILL give signs that SHOULD be recognizable to their human as a level of discomfort. NOTE: the level of aggression, is most always, the level of their discomfort.

Dogs were going to HAWS. Guessing they’re very busy and likely welcoming donations.

Dogs were going to HAWS. Guessing they’re very busy and likely welcoming donations.


Why growling should never be punished and also never be ignored
Not all growls are negative. Some growls are play growls, attention seeking growls, pleasure seeking growls or frustration growls. They may all sound a little different and may be unique to the particular dog. This post is not about different types of growls, but about warning or aggressive growls.
When a dog growls, maybe even at us, the natural human response is to feel offended and maybe even angry. Surely dogs need to learn not to growl, growling is bad, growling is unacceptable, growling is a problem and needs to be punished so a dog learns it’s wrong, disrespectful and not to do it again, right?
NO, this couldn’t be further from the truth! A dog that growls has just provided us with a very valuable communication signal. In their way, they have just communicated to us how they feel without resorting to a bite. Dogs use growling in an attempt to avoid having to resort to biting, not to initiate it. They could just as easily have not even bothered to growl and gone straight to a bite.
Growling is a dog's way of saying "please stop," "stay away from me," "go away," “I’m not comfortable with this and I’m feeling threatened”. A dog that growls is trying hard to communicate and punishment suppresses this ability to communicate. Punishment doesn’t change the level of the dog's discomfort; it creates more stress and the dog will feel more threatened.
Growling is not the problem. Growling is the result of and the symptom of a problem. A dog that bites without the warning of a growl is a far more serious problem than a dog that growls but doesn’t bite.
Look for any other early warning signals that may precede a growl. Recognize and take note of what makes your dog feel threatened and create distance between your dog and whatever is triggering them.
Be grateful for the gift of a growl - it provides us with an opportunity to address the cause & prevent the bite.

Warning…long post. Our tribute to Gage, MY tribute to MY boy, Gage. Pic  #1 was the view my sweet boy, Gage, would’ve be...

Warning…long post. Our tribute to Gage, MY tribute to MY boy, Gage.

Pic #1 was the view my sweet boy, Gage, would’ve been relaxing and enjoying on the morning that he instead was finding his way to the Rainbow Bridge.

Pic #2 was Gage resting his head in my lap…one of many times, overnight, as I tried to comfort him knowing his journey to the Bridge was already in motion. Many times he would turn his head and check to make sure I was there. I reassured him each time, I’m here, honey. Much of our night was full cuddle, something we both needed.

Gage, ohhhh, my Gage…

He was 6mos old when I got the msg:

his family and vet office that was providing his 10 day hold and the Rescue that had been contacted to help him…were all looking for an alternative for him being sentenced to euthanasia for biting his little human over a stuffed animal.

I was advised: don’t go see him, you’ll fall for him, he’s a cute puppy.


I was new to “rescue”, to “sanctuary”, to “saving” those that DESERVED to be saved.

I spent TWO HOURS…TRYING to get this boy to BITE ME!! His Vet came down and asked “what do you think?”, I said, “he’s a VERY mouthy puppy!”. She said, ya, but he’s a puppy.” And I said, ”yes, he IS a puppy. Put me on the list of where he can go after his 10day hold.”

AT the end of his 10day hold, I received a call…I was his ONLY option, WE (A Pawsitive Outlook) were his ONLY option, when could I pick him up? (He was “home” that day!)

Gage was blessed because WE had A Pawsitive Outlook for his future!!!! And boy were we blessed to have this boy in the mix of our pooches throughout his years with us!!
There was not one person OR pooch that was not happy to have been in Gage’s presence. This pup LOVED everyone!!!
And boy oh boy did he find the hearts of a number of our pooches!!! There were so many connections, but none more special than his friendship with Parker.

Those that have followed A Pawsitive Outlook, know that Parker was a VERY special boy, someone had treated him in a way that he could no longer trust pretty close to anybody. Parker and Gage had an instant connection. Parker, so unsure who he could trust, human or canine, and Gage not really understanding what was expected of him…. These two romped and tumbled in the snow and had sooooo much fun…until Parker developed an ear infection. Gage wanted to play, Parker did not.

The absolute ONE thing I wish I could change, in hindsight for Gage, is catching Parker’s ear infection. Gage never stopped asking for play, but Parker would never again entertain play from Gage. Now…I KNOW that these two boys met and played as soon as Gage made it to the Rainbow Bridge! And ALL of our other pooches WELCOMED and ASKED for play when they greeted Gage at the Bridge!!

On the human side…hindsight, ohhh hindsight. Not too long after Gage made his way to us, I had an opportunity to have my grandson spend the weekend so my granddaughter could have a special weekend with my son and daughter-in-law. I wasn’t sure how Gage would react to another small human, and had the mindset of that having once bitten, would run the risk of biting again. Then Gage heard my grandson crying and Gage was soooooo caaaareful approaching my grandson, sooooo, sooooooooooo careful. Hindsight.

The ABSOLUTE BIGGEST MISTAKE I made…was NOT giving Gage his own family. Learning about canine/human behavior and having experienced years of interaction with special pooches, how I wish I could go back a give BETTER to my pups, better to Gage!!

Thank you to Gage’s family (and their vet office) for searching and insisting that there has to be an alternative to euthanasia for their boy.

Thank you to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Wi (GPRW) for referring this boy to us, he had our heart from day one!! And you knew he would!! If only we could have them forever?!?!❤️🐾❤️

This is a very unexpected and sad day… Our sweeeeeet boy Gage made his way to the Rainbow Bridge today. This one is extr...

This is a very unexpected and sad day… Our sweeeeeet boy Gage made his way to the Rainbow Bridge today.
This one is extra hard for many reasons. His tribute will come soon, just not able to pull it all together today.
Rest sweet boy 💙🐾💙🌈

The info for what to look for with water intoxication is in the video. Good to know, especially during this hot summer.

The info for what to look for with water intoxication is in the video. Good to know, especially during this hot summer.

The very day this was filmed, Winter the Border Collie passed away. Dr. Lee wants you to know what to look for.


You may have seen this recent photo of a dog tied to a fire hydrant here in Green Bay, and we understand it evokes a strong emotional response. She’s currently in our care serving her mandatory stray hold and is doing great. As her story gains attention locally and beyond, we wanted to take a moment to address Baby Girl’s previous owner directly:

First and foremost, we are so sorry you had to part with your best friend. It’s evident just how much you loved her and we can see you did your best while struggling with your own medical complications and challenges of life. We see your love in the bag you carefully packed with all of her favorite things. We see your love in the way you secured her leash so she wouldn’t get hit by a car. We see your love in the way you placed her in the middle of a neighborhood where she’d be quickly found. We see your love in how happy and healthy Baby Girl looks. And we see your love in the note you left, pleading for someone to help her when you no longer could.

While we’ll never let fees be a barrier and we welcome anonymous surrenders, we see that you did what you thought was best for your beloved pup and we are grateful for your compassion. Rest assured that she’s safe, she’s getting tons of attention from our team, and she’s on track to find her next loving family very soon. We wish you all the best and hope that if you see this, you can rest a little easier knowing your Baby Girl has a bright future ahead ♥


THIS!!! ❤️🐾❤️‼️LOVE YOU LIBBY‼️‼️‼️


An easy way to remember what your pooch is thinking!!


PO Box 334
Valders, WI





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