*we do not own rights to the music*
But the music makes it so much more adorable 😂
Marianna is an expert snuggler!
Millie is on her 3rd day of training. She’s here for basics, house manners, social interaction, and plenty of fun. She even did 2 minutes of drop leash at the end. She was shy at first but that has ended.
Gus is also a good buddy sometimes. But it’s like living with a bear. He’s going to bite me eventually. I’ve simply been lucky to learn and avoid his triggers. I once got caught in the laundry room with him and he turned on me. Luckily there were two doors or he definitely would have mauled me. I had to back out and go through our house and back into the dog house. I opened the laundry room and he just came in like nothing happened. Gave me a kiss. Ate his dinner.
So.. you think your dog has issues?
There are many reasons why Gus needs a place of his own. Him being a cave bear is just one. Do not poke a bear! Ever.
He’s so handsome.
Millie is getting along with or little pack just fine. She is in the beginning of her board and train.
Gus is a perfectly healthy dog. We have a lot of love between each other. We’d like to buy him a home of his own. He needs sanctuary. He has two funds right now and he needs help. His love is.. scary.
Other types of PTSD.
Tex, on his first day at drop off, tried to bite my face. Another “so.. you think your dog has issues “ video.
In this video he jumps up to my face. But to kiss and get love. But yes I was definitely startled. We’re good friends now.
The freedom park dog area. It’s rare for us to actually enter. We didn’t. Just took a look.
Casper was perfect as usual.
Here’s Charles running around. We still have piles to burn from clearing out overgrowth. Don’t mind the mess. We love the new yard and so do the dogs. Charles needs a home. Pm me or watch the comments. He is very lovable. And very fun.