Hello Pipers Helping Paws is looking to purchase This property. If we can’t purchase something by July 15th we will be forced to shut down the rescue. Currently we are renting the property we are at now. The owners of the property have given us an ultimate. Either we move or close the rescue permanently. They are also requesting we get rid of all of the animals except for 7 cats and two dogs. If you can help please do so. We want to keep helping our community but we can’t do that without your help. We are constantly asked for help I get 50+ calls daily asking for help. But right now we need your help so please do so. This is the property we are interested in purchasing. Here is our gofundme help us out how we have been helping all of these animals this year alone we have rescued over 200 animals. There will be one less rescue in the AV if we can’t make this happen one less rescue saving lives. One less rescue Trapping and neutering the feral cats of the AV. It would mean countless baby’s being born and it would mean hundreds to thousands of animals not being saved from being killed in the shelters or on the streets. So please consider helping I know right now is tough for everyone but even 5 dollars helps!
Hello Pipers Helping Paws is looking to purchase This property. If we can’t purchase somet… Madison Clenny needs your support for Buy property to save rescue