Last night we practiced “settle” in our Manners B class in the glow of the sunset. #doggydetailtraining #dogclass #clickertraining #practicaldogskills
Great job Callie! Loose leash walking like a pro today! #doggydetailtraining #clickertraining #gentleleader
Basenji Lancer does a great job practicing his WAIT (while Mom checks to see if it’s safe to go) during this morning’s Manners B class! We use wait when we get out of the crate, the car, out a door and when we go around blind corners to have the dog pause until we release them to go so that they don’t just rush off into possible danger on their own. #doggydetailtraining #clickertraining #positivereinforcementtraining #impulsecontrol #dogclass
Please, no more leashes wrapped around wrists! The leash lock hold allows you to: shorten and lengthen the leash as needed, free up a hand for hand targeting and rewards, emergency side switches when walking past distractions, 2 hand brace for heavy pulling, and makes walking easier because of all of the above 👆🏾 ! #doggydetailtraining #leashskills
Amore and Joanne have been working so hard to build Amore’s good manners around dogs and it has not been easy but wow, Joanne makes it look so simple! This week we’ll be practicing tolerance and social walking with a new “stranger dog” in addition to any dogs we encounter during our training. #doggydetailtraining #leashreactivity #desensitizationandcounterconditioning #colliedog #clickertraining
Great practice “Wait” and “Release” during today’s Manners B class…especially Sadie who waited unfazed to let a bike wiz past! #doggydetailtraining #clickertraining #realworlddogclasses
How gorgeous was it for our downtown grad walk last night? We paused for some “stay” photos and then went on to walk the sidelines of the distraction filled farmers market! #doggydetailtraining #dogclass #clickertraining #livingwithdogs
How do we get the dogs to pay attention to US and less attention to what’s going on around them? We practice building attention and help them learn! Here Somie calls Sailor to come and helps her when she doesn’t come by going to get her. Somie rewards her for being able to move away from the other pups and with each practice Sailor learns how to direct her focus back to mom! #doggydetailtraining #vallejodogtrainingclub #puppypreschool #attentiontraining
Imogene made my day with her loose leash walking in class and she even trotted right past Lulu without any trouble!!! I was so proud of Carly, the practice is paying off! #doggydetail #clickertraining #petfoodexpress #dogclass
We practiced maneuvering thru tight spaces with the dogs in Manners B last night… we tell students to imagine the street is lava and they have to use communication and trained behaviors to navigate the treacherous path weaving in and out of the pillars. 🔥 🔥 🔥 👏🏽 #doggydetailtraining #dogclass #clickertraining #vallejodogtrainingclub
How cute is lil Olive practicing her sits n downs with her mama at Puppy Preschool?!
Lexi’s boy helped us practice calmness when kids on bikes ride past…yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!
#doggydetailtraining #clickertraining #mydoghatesbikes