Freestone Ranch

Freestone Ranch Sonoma County Farm to Table Food Grass-Fed Beef, Pastured Pork, Pastured Chicken & Eggs. Beef, chicken, and eggs available here at the ranch by appointment.

Delicious and profoundly nourishing, for you and your family, for the watershed, for the land. Beef available at Andy's Produce Market, Bill's Farm Basket, and the Valley Ford Market. Eggs available at the Valley Ford Market. Enjoy and be nourished!

It’s sad that an EPA that has failed to prevent the exposure of nature and our bodies to an increasing toxic burden over...

It’s sad that an EPA that has failed to prevent the exposure of nature and our bodies to an increasing toxic burden over the past 50 years would prevent the sale of a good water filter that provides a some protection from these toxins. In my watershed work, I feel similar patterns where regulatory structures increase costs and prevent tending and healing of our natural world. Weirdly in our twisted world of conflict, it looks like this small filter company is using these regulatory conflicts as a marketing tool to build demand for their antiestablishment brand. I have not used these filters but their slow low pressure filtration through ceramic pores and activated carbon looks as safe and effective as any water filtration technology I know of.

Colossal Biosciences is building technology to design genetics for new creatures and then rapidly grow lots of new creat...

Colossal Biosciences is building technology to design genetics for new creatures and then rapidly grow lots of new creatures without mothers in artificial wombs. Yes, it might be fun to bring back extinct species but there are plenty of ecosystems that need care now. It’s bizarre that it’s legal to develop Jurassic Park style genetic engineering to design new creatures but that Tehran County decided it was illegal for Oakland Zoo to bring elephants back to a California ranch. I worry that the CIA’s investment in this company might be more about growing super soldiers in plastic bags than about bringing back mammoths and protecting ecosystems. Using a story of de-extinction and indigenous voices to distract from the risks of developing technology to grow more powerful humans should be left to science fiction instead of an actual startup claiming to protect the natural world. Instead of growing an actual mammoth, their plan is to take elephant genetics and then modify the DNA to add cold tolerance. Colossal is building the technology platform needed to design and grow a stronger human or a maybe human that aims to please an owner as much as our border collie. I’m not sure that’s power I want aspiring billionaires or the CIA to have.

Crazy that people are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in synthesizing food with no agricultural inputs. Edible...

Crazy that people are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in synthesizing food with no agricultural inputs. Edible foods made from natural gas, coal, and carbon from the air don’t feel like a good idea. What are our values as living beings? I hope life is for more than being part of an economic machine. Also, maybe we should stop making gas and diesel from corn and soybeans before we start making margarine from coal again. Let’s take those resources and design living ecosystems instead of lifeless food factories.

The diverse life and ecosystems we have been part of for all of human existence have a great need for healing and care. ...

The diverse life and ecosystems we have been part of for all of human existence have a great need for healing and care. Our culture is doubling down on the separation between the human/machine world and the natural world of diverse complex life. I would like to see our culture ask more questions about values, goals, humanity, and caring because our current focus on power, control, dominance and destruction leads us in a less life filled direction. I’m a technology guy and I see enormous opportunities to learn and invest in the ecosystem technologies that people developed for millennia. Unfortunately, I see no way to fund and invest in caring for ecosystems. It’s work that can create a beautiful world that keeps us alive but can’t generate a profit in the man made rule system that governs our culture’s allocation of resources and human effort. 😢

40 of 48 species of the largest animals went extinct 10,000 years ago. This loss of animals that ate woody plants and tr...

40 of 48 species of the largest animals went extinct 10,000 years ago. This loss of animals that ate woody plants and trees continues to disrupt ecosystems. I think cultural burning is a human technology developed to replace the clearing of woody plants that mammoth and other large animals did. We use cattle, chainsaws, mowers and an excavator to emulate the ecosystem disturbances of these large extinct animals. Thinning of woody plants is needed to protect grasslands, protect wetlands, enable human movement on the landscape, support human edible plants, and reduce impacts of wildfires. I think it’s worth considering that these largest animals competed with humans for food and habitat and that humans removed megafauna from the planet to help feed more humans.

This valley holds the remnants of a 3000 year food production technology. 3000 years ago people built beaver dam like st...

This valley holds the remnants of a 3000 year food production technology. 3000 years ago people built beaver dam like structures in this valley to hold water and soil. They then planted edible wetland plants to produce food while holding soil and water. Once the plains formed, the structures were no longer needed. Each year the system produced a bit more food as water, soil and fertility accumulated to build the soils we see today. Tending the system included harvesting food, burning, reseeding, and preventing woody plant encroachment. Upland foods included lupine seeds, mariposa lily roots, and grass seeds. Wetland foods included cattail, tule, panicled bulrush, and arrowroot. Beach food included clams. Lagoon foods included fish and cinquefoil roots. The system also produced basketry materials, medicinal plants and building materials. This human system got more productive for 3000 years until Columbus brought disease and collapsed the human population. I think that understanding systems like this will help us create a better future for our children and other life on the plant. Plant and watershed experts seem to avoid studying the human aspects of our “wild” landscapes. This is Rodeo Beach in Marin County but these indigenous human technology patterns of exploiting natural topography, soil building, water collection, and edible plants everywhere repeat all over California.

For hundreds of thousands of years water ran on bedrock in these V shaped valleys. Thousands of years ago, soil accumula...

For hundreds of thousands of years water ran on bedrock in these V shaped valleys. Thousands of years ago, soil accumulated to form fertile wetlands. Over the past 150 years, the valleys eroded back to bedrock. Now, I’m using wetland plants to accumulate soils and build wetlands again. I think the older soils are an artifact of thousands of years of humans building beaver dam like structures, planting edible wetland plants and removing willow and other woody plants. Recent erosion was caused by replacing indigenous human wetland tenders with tillage, cattle and sheep. The evidence is strong but it’s hard to get watershed experts to explore these ideas. I can’t prove what indigenous people did but I can prove humans with simple tools are capable of doing the work, the work provides more water and food, and the soil accumulation aligns in time with a stable indigenous culture in this place. The research papers here describe a valley in Marin and another in Yosemite but this pattern of soil accumulation aligned with millennia human presence is in small valleys over California.

Wetland meadows are an ancient human technology for providing food and water. I think meadows were created and maintaine...

Wetland meadows are an ancient human technology for providing food and water. I think meadows were created and maintained throughout California for ~3,000 years before Europeans came and drained them. It’s great to see good restoration work happening in the Sierra but we need to study the origins of these landscape systems. These Sierra meadows are very similar to the work I am trying to do with small coastal wetland valleys. We need to acknowledge and study the indigenous role in creating these valleys more. I’m convinced that people built structures to hold water and soil. They also tended edible wetland plants while reducing woody plants. I have found no good research on how the soils in these valleys accumulated. The mention that wetland soils in many Sierra meadows were stable and accumulated over 2,500 years aligns well with a stable human culture as a primary force in shaping these landscapes. Let’s create another drawing showing the origin and how people created and lived in these meadows.

Because we have a small business that sells beef to consumers and gives occasional public tours on a ranch, we may be un...

Because we have a small business that sells beef to consumers and gives occasional public tours on a ranch, we may be uninsurable. We do this work as a service to nature and the community. It’s ironic that our essentially philanthropic efforts to provide healthy local food, heal ecosystems and help keep our community fire safe have led to Travelers Insurance cancelling our already expensive policy. Our agent is working to find an alternative but it may not exist. Destroying marginal socially responsible small business efforts is not good for our community.

The experts say the beetle can only be slowed but not stopped. Hopefully it will not move north. We do our best to encou...

The experts say the beetle can only be slowed but not stopped. Hopefully it will not move north. We do our best to encourage young oaks and thin around large oaks. A healthy well tended landscape with a young and mature oaks is the only protection I see for trees and ecosystems from this type of threat. Reintroducing fire could help but there is a huge amount of thinning that must be done before healthy fire is possible.

Instead of banning farms, we should invest in positive care of our landscapes. The proposed Sonoma County ban on factory...

Instead of banning farms, we should invest in positive care of our landscapes. The proposed Sonoma County ban on factory farms puts farmers out of business without solving any problems. Cattle and chickens from Sonoma County will simply move to less humane and larger more industrial farms in the Central Valley and other states. The beef cattle on our ranch have better lives than many humans. They are well cared for in beautiful places with an intact community of other cattle. Our culture has no economically viable way to produce milk, eggs or chicken outside of a factory farm. If you want humane and environmentally beneficial animal products, seek out and support producers like us. Bans like this ballot measure will put small farmers out of business and send more profits to the largest industrial farms. We see ecosystem collapse all around us on the ranch. Dying trees, no more steelhead, fewer birds, fewer frogs, fewer pollinators, dying shrubs, and more. We can protect these life forms by investing in caring for our landscapes. Bans and regulations waste resources and create barriers. A better investment is to provide positive economic incentives for land stewards to care for life in all its beautiful forms. I’d like to explain to the authors of this measure what our Sonoma County landscapes could look like if they were well cared for and explore if there is a way to work towards the healthy landscapes.

We don’t see these western toads often but it’s good to know they are around in the habitat we tend. This one was hiding...

We don’t see these western toads often but it’s good to know they are around in the habitat we tend. This one was hiding under a water trough I moved.

I don’t see stories in The NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, or Los Angeles Times about flooding. There ar...

I don’t see stories in The NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, or Los Angeles Times about flooding. There are some sobering photos on the wire services. A warmer atmosphere picks up, holds and drops more water. This future is a key reason we invest in strengthening our watersheds on the ranch. Our next hundred year rain event will likely come in the next ten years.

It was great to see steelhead and freshwater shrimp as Fish and Wildlife did fish counts on Walker creek. I suspect that...

It was great to see steelhead and freshwater shrimp as Fish and Wildlife did fish counts on Walker creek. I suspect that Walker creek used to have sedges, cattails and other emergent vegetation to provide shelter and food for fish and shrimp. Here Walker Creek is a boundary between two ranches and only one has riparian fencing so cattle eat any of the emergent wetland vegetation that might grow in the channel or on the edges. The trees and gravel feel like a more barren landscape than the fish deserve. If I were a small steelhead, I’d head straight for the tule and cattail when the otter showed up to eat me. In this case, the otter scared fish into the trap for counting fish. We have worked hard to encourage emergent wetland vegetation in our riparian zones and believe it is an important tool for inviting fish and shrimp back to our watersheds.

Fish, bats, and frogs are struggling here and globally. Snakes are currently doing very well on the ranch. It’s scary to...

Fish, bats, and frogs are struggling here and globally. Snakes are currently doing very well on the ranch. It’s scary to see an emerging threat to the health of snakes here in California. A frog fungus has caused more species extinctions globally than any other known disease. A fungus is killing oak trees in California. A fungus killed nearly all chestnut trees in North America. Fungal diseases can have fast negative impacts on ecosystems and organisms under stress.

Steelhead are in trouble in California. We’ve witnessed the loss of steelhead in the Estero Americano and Bodega Harbor ...

Steelhead are in trouble in California. We’ve witnessed the loss of steelhead in the Estero Americano and Bodega Harbor watersheds in the last decade. Restoration tends to focus on removing dams and other fish barriers. Fish are disappearing in watersheds that don’t have barriers or extractive water use. I worry that we will spend the next decade removing fish barriers and then find that toxins, thiamine deficiency, poor ocean conditions and climate change kill the fish despite our best efforts at river and creek restoration. The steelhead were here until a decade ago. What has changed that caused their loss in our small well tended coastal watersheds?

Sound is an important part of nature. We are comforted by our diverse bird sounds here but sense declines in bird number...

Sound is an important part of nature. We are comforted by our diverse bird sounds here but sense declines in bird numbers. We grieve the loss of chorus frog song, and buzzing bees. The swallows are here but in fewer numbers. We know the loss and damage to plants like hawthorne trees, coffeeberry and serviceberry must be hard on our birds. The loss of insect populations is rough on many birds also. A lone goose nest on a rock here is a sign of their resilience but our culture could be doing much more to protect and celebrate the sounds of nature.

Sad to see the fish are not doing well. Dam removals and other elements of the state plan to save salmon are good steps ...

Sad to see the fish are not doing well. Dam removals and other elements of the state plan to save salmon are good steps but not enough. I manage land on 4 different former steelhead and salmon streams in three different watersheds. I know of no meaningful money available to support restoration work in these watersheds. Poor ocean conditions for salmonids are a problem without clear solutions. We should also replace hatcheries with indigenous style watershed care, wetland creation and fish farming.

It does not seem like a good idea to feed sawdust, peanut shells and poultry p**p to cows. Our beef cows eat pasture gra...

It does not seem like a good idea to feed sawdust, peanut shells and poultry p**p to cows. Our beef cows eat pasture grasses and a bit of hay but we compete in the same market as feedlots feeding dangerous waste products to produce beef.

Modern lightweight mass produced doors don’t have much soul. For these barn doors, I cut down the tree, milled the log, ...

Modern lightweight mass produced doors don’t have much soul. For these barn doors, I cut down the tree, milled the log, dried the wood, designed the doors, tightened the bolts, forged the latch and finally got them installed. Hanging doors with an excavator is a bit goofy but they are heavy. I lost my nerve to try to forging hinges but I think these doors still have plenty of soul.

“It is past time to build a new era of reciprocity with nature that redefines natural resource economics.” Here on the r...

“It is past time to build a new era of reciprocity with nature that redefines natural resource economics.” Here on the ranch we are inspired by indigenous worldviews, indigenous landscape technologies, and nonhuman landscape technologies as we work to protect all forms of life and build stronger landscapes. There is much that can be done but it is only possible as part of human community that cares for the earth.

The World Bank brought money to help develop Mongolian agricultural markets, herders increased livestock numbers, and no...

The World Bank brought money to help develop Mongolian agricultural markets, herders increased livestock numbers, and now more extreme weather from climate change is killing animals, degrading ecosystems and sending bankrupt herders to live in cities. I don’t know answers but it’s sad to see a pattern that has been repeated around the world. Our soils and watersheds here were destroyed by agriculture funded by the gold rush. I think most people don’t realize that our bucolic agricultural landscapes are what’s left after 200 years of destruction. It’s incredible to see that the government grants for saving herders and animals across Mongolia are similar to building or remodeling a single house here in Sonoma County.

The first time I’ve seen a complete double rainbow. It’s unusual for us to get rain coming from the east.

The first time I’ve seen a complete double rainbow. It’s unusual for us to get rain coming from the east.

Our Bay Hill Ranch has lots of voles and badger holes that provide habitat for these owls. One goal of our grazing and b...

Our Bay Hill Ranch has lots of voles and badger holes that provide habitat for these owls. One goal of our grazing and brush management program is to support grassland birds like these. I used to see a couple of burrowing owls on the ranch but I am sad to not see any for a few years. Since breeding burrowing owls are considered extirpated in Sonoma County, there is no potential support for effort we make to provide habitat for these owls. I hope the owls get listed as endangered but most of the energy and resources will likely go to people arguing over development projects instead of to actual work on the ground.

My restoration work has shifted from using purchased tree protectors, jute netting, straw bales and nursery pots to acor...

My restoration work has shifted from using purchased tree protectors, jute netting, straw bales and nursery pots to acorns tossed out, transplanted sedges, and scoops sod. These low cost indigenous inspired restoration methods have many advantages over expensive industrial restoration. Its hard when companies can build a business producing native seeds, growing nursery plants, and spraying herbicide but there is not profit with slower cheaper methods. I can get a grant to cover the cost of buying plants and building wire cages around them but transplanting sedges or creeping wild rye sod is not economically supported. Fixing water flows, protecting soils and protecting scrub jay planted oak trees honors the ecosystems but does not help get anyone get paid. I have a set of watershed projects where I stabilize the soils and hold water hoping that the wetland plants will appear. Frequently the plants come but I’m still waiting to see what will appear in some eucalyptus understory and heavily eroded wetland soils. This article supports my patience. 🤞

As we experience loss of our insect pollinators, I am watching for patterns. Our native hazelnut is wind pollinated. Why...

As we experience loss of our insect pollinators, I am watching for patterns. Our native hazelnut is wind pollinated. Why does it have tiny bright red female flowers? I imagine the first flowering plants were wind pollinated and then pollination partnerships developed between insects and plants. It’s known that bees collect hazelnut pollen so it’s easy to imagine they or other pollinators are sometimes are attracted to the small red flowers and help with pollination. These kinds of ecosystem relationships are going to be changing quickly as humans continue our work of breaking ancient ecosystems. We have protected this vibrant young hazelnut from the cows with the electric fence extension and it is thriving. We see lots of young hazelnut trees planted by the hazelnut partnership with scrub jays and aided by our work reducing negative impacts of cattle grazing.

We’ve seen a huge decline in our native chorus frogs, steelhead are gone from our creeks, our western pond turtle are at...

We’ve seen a huge decline in our native chorus frogs, steelhead are gone from our creeks, our western pond turtle are at risk, dragonflies are at risk, and I’m not seeing breeding newts this year. We may be helping the bullfrogs with this destruction as we improve our riparian and wetland habitat. Bullfrog tadpoles typically grow in stock ponds because they take more than a year to mature but I’m seeing very young frogs in a small perennial creek. Bullfrogs can’t eat poisonous rough skin newts but bullfrogs carry and are immune to a fungal disease than can kill the newts. It’s hard to imagine a control program we can afford. It would be great to see funding for research on attractants for trapping the bullfrogs and support to make sure we don’t take any red legged frogs in a control program.

Domestic livestock have removed human foods from landscapes globally including California, Europe, the Amazon, South Afr...

Domestic livestock have removed human foods from landscapes globally including California, Europe, the Amazon, South Africa and many other places. It’s striking that the article about restoring spekboom in South Africa “neglects” to mention it is an important human food. Many of our California native foods were eaten and tended by mammoth just as spekboom is tended by elephants. I’m working on the ranch to use cattle in a positive tool to help restore these foods while learning how to care for an edible landscape that was shaped by mammoth and then people here for millennia. When I first read about spekboom as a tool for carbon storage this morning, I immediately guessed that it is also a human food and sure enough, a quick google search revealed it is a really great food. I’d like to be part of a community working to restore fragments of our edible native landscapes but I have not found that community. The destruction of the Garden of Eden is a real and ongoing story. Let’s push back. In particular, I’d like to see landscapes valued and invested in for their human food, beauty, and diverse life instead of imagining that carbon storage is the only way better land tending can get funded.

A stream is a complex living organism. Subsurface water flows and microorganisms are very important. Many if our creeks ...

A stream is a complex living organism. Subsurface water flows and microorganisms are very important. Many if our creeks have eroded to bedrock and lost the subsurface portion of their life. Conventional stream restoration has a heavy focus on willows and bank stabilization. I’m focused on restoring fragments of riparian wetland soils and plants to restore subsurface flows and stream health. The silt captured in recent storms is not very permeable but the roots of wetland plants can open pores to increase subsurface flow and water storage. We often hear that we need shade from trees to keep streams cool but subsurface water exchange and shade from tule and cattails can may support cool water better while increasing stream flows.

AI seems to be about gaining power. Sam Altman clearly believes it’s worth making a huge investment to own that power. T...

AI seems to be about gaining power. Sam Altman clearly believes it’s worth making a huge investment to own that power. The idea appears to be that cheaper more powerful chips will allow the creation of artificial general intelligence and whoever controls intelligence will control the world. I don’t know if it will work but creating synthetic intelligence that will give a few people control over many feels like it might not make our world better. My dream in the ranch is to use our modern tools to be part of a renaissance in how we relate to the amazing diverse life and ecosystems that we are part of on earth. A planet covered with solar panels powering machines that are smarter than us does not sound good for our children. 🤷‍♂️


750 Freestone Ranch Road
Valley Ford, CA


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Grass-Fed Beef. Delicious and profoundly nourishing, for you and your family, for the watershed, for the land. Beef available here at the ranch by appointment. Beef available at Andy's Produce Market, Bill's Farm Basket, and the Valley Ford Market. Enjoy and be nourished!