Kilo and Echo are getting some office time and enjoying some of the toys KIPRITII Dog Toys sent us!!!
Thank you so much for your donations!!!
Bye Benny
It is with a HEAVY heart that we had to let Benny cross the rainbow bridge.
This one is really hard for us.
It is one of the worst cases of neglect that we've seen. But we still had hope for him.. we thought maybe he was just severely dehydrated and he would pull through. But he couldn't. His body, mind and even soul was tired and you could tell.
The vet said that his body shows YEARS of neglect and malnutrition, arthritis and possible cancer.
Some days this work is HARD
BUT at least his last few days of life he likely had a lot of firsts... he knew LOVE for the first time from all of our staff. He had consistent food for the first time. His own house for the first time and even his own bed.
Benny. We love you and them big one floppy ears.
Unfortunately Benny did have some vet bills that accured and Betsy is being seen as well. If you'd like to donate directly to their bill you can call Riverside at 334-644-2061 or donate through Zeffy
Rest easy.
-Mrs. Amber