Just a little appreciation post for our best boy! He has been through it all! He puts up with every new animal we bring home, he loves our kids and all of our animals, he is curious and gentle. He has such good manners (most of the time) and has been loyal and patient! We sure do love our first rescue, Gilligan!
If you’re noticing his knotty elbow, he was picked up as a stray. His leg was snapped as a puppy and he was dumped. Unfortunately it was not repairable, but he hasn’t let it stop him from being the goodest boy! We fostered him for months before he was cleared for adoption. 3 years later he is the most happy, spoiled and loved boy ever! We actually went to the rescue for another dog, got there and the kennel tech walked past with this d***y, long legged puppy. I turned to the lady at the desk and said I wanted to foster him. It was a done deal! We knew he would forever be a part of our family!