This little baby still has some healing to do. Renea chased all the other geese away from the gate so she could see her baby. So, we put the family back together in the garden to allow healing time without others running over him/her and still reuniting with Mom, Dad and siblings. He/she is definitely happier.
This baby is doing much better today. So much better he/she got to vist with mom, dad & siblings (Renae & Jimmy) in the grass. He/she should be able to go back to the family by Saturday. I'm waiting for that left leg to firm up and the balance to improve a bit more.
This baby was brought up Sunday morning unable to walk. She was started on vitamin therapy using niacin and B2 and placed in a kennel. Her first dose was given via tube with all subsequent doses given in her drinking water. This morning she was standing and walking, albeqit for a short time. Progress is progress. Today she is placed in a larger are so.she can move around more freely.
I'm sad to say this baby didn't make it. 😢
It rained last night. Our yard floods. This baby was found this morning barely hanging onto life. He was dried, warmed, and even a little mouth to beak resuscitation. He is now moving around on his own a bit. He is expelling fluids from his lungs now, more than likely rain water from the ground. This happened a few years ago with another one. I had to do the same with her and she is thriving today. I hope this one does as well.
Our first hatch this year. Red stars. Our RIR is doing his job!