Fine filters are friendly to your furnace,....... and air conditioner too! We do better ourselves when we breathe relatively clean air, right? I remember as a teenage boy having the job of shoveling out soybean and grain dust from an elevator pit. That was when I learned just how irritating those particles were to my eyes, sinus, and lungs.
The air within most of our South Dakota constructed homes is moved under the force applied by a powerful fan within a furnace or air handling unit through a return and supply distribution air duct system. So we have those supply diffusers and return air grilles located in the floors, walls, and sometimes the ceiling surfaces of the home.
Those return air grilles are under a suction pressure whenever the fan is on. Anything that can move within an air stream that is close by will be pulled through those grilles and moved within the return air duct toward the low pressure of the fan inlet. Some heavier airborne things settle into nooks and crannies of the duct, others will face the element in the comfort system that is often given thought, but has historically been wanting in effectiveness- the system air filter.
That teenage boy had employed no personal air filtration device and suffered some immeditate consequences. Swollen, tearing, itchy eyes, coughing and difficult breathing along with other things. Really cut down and even halted his performance on the job!
And the same is true of what can happen to your furnace or air conditioner when the filter is missing, poorly installed, is cheap and porous, or the filter housing is badly designed. Your equipment WILL SUFFER from performance degradation or even quit entirely. When seriously dirty conditions exist for lengths of time the expensive equipment can even be destroyed.
I like to breathe. I am confident that you like to breathe too. So give some thought to the inanimate comfort equipment in your home. Like you that system has to breathe, and breathe freely. If you think that you may have a problem with the air stream in your home, or that your filter system just is not quite as good as it could be, it may be time to call for assistance from a knowledgeable comfort expert. He just might save your air conditioner from conking out just when you need it most.