We are new on instagram, go follow us!! https://www.instagram.com/forehand_performance_horses?igsh=d3JnenlwNWF2eHlm&utm_source=qr
Here’s a little about us:
We are the Forehands! Justin, Sandy, Troy (6) and Luke (3). Justin and Sandy met at the University of Florida (Go Gators!🐊) where we both studied Animal Science and were members of the Horse Judging Team.
Horses have always been our life and we are blessed to create the same life for our boys. 💙
Justin runs the show here at the farm and Sandy starts all the projects (that Justin and her dad have to finish), pets all the horses, tries to run social media platforms and wrangles their feral children.
Justin breaks and trains horses and run’s a small Quarter Horse Breeding operation where we stand Justin’s dad’s stallion FLYIN TA FAME here in South Vero Beach. We have a few broodmares and enjoy welcoming new foals every spring. He also boards horses, gives lessons and leases a few awesome horses. Sandy is the Southeast Regional Manager at an animal health pharmaceutical company.
Give us a shout if you’re interested in any of the above! 😉