It is evident that tough times are impacting many, if not most of us. Ones’ challenges are no less or more than anothers, especially when in the thick of it. Personally, I try and use the mantra, “somebody else always has it worse” because it’s usually 99% true. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t always work and I have my pity parties and my days/minutes/hours of wallowing.
However, that mantra AGAIN…slapped me in the face last weekend.
This is to benefit a besties’ (Casey Kluytenaar)son. If you can donate something, great…or maybe it’s a much needed mantra. Either way, thank you for looking… Have, or go out and MAKE IT a WONDERFUL day.❤️
As many of you guys have heard our beloved friend, Colton Rhodes was on a vac… Anthony Assad needs your support for Support Colton's Recovery Journey Together