Hillis Hollar Bichons

Hillis Hollar Bichons We have Akc registerd Bichon Frise mommas and papas. We love each and everyone as though they are ou


Several Christmas puppies available!! Could go home this weekend!!🎁🎄🎅


11 week females 800.00. beautiful AKC registered


10 week old females 1000.00. AKC registered. Ready for their forever homes.


Beautiful baby girls are looking for forever homes prices have dropped if interested pm me. Thanks

Beautiful females now 8 weeks old ready for their forever homes pm if interested 1500.00 AKC registered

Beautiful females now 8 weeks old ready for their forever homes pm if interested 1500.00 AKC registered


Two beautiful boys still available AKC registered both boys are 12 weeks old ready for their forever homes 💙

All males now 350.00 needing homes asap. AKC registered.

All males now 350.00 needing homes asap. AKC registered.


6 beautiful baby boys all 8 weeks old and ready for their forever homes 500.00
AKC registered


8 males available
Asking 500.00 a piece
AKC registered
6 weeks old💙

Still have several beautiful baby boys available send pm if interested they are needing their forever homes soon!💕

Still have several beautiful baby boys available send pm if interested they are needing their forever homes soon!💕

Beautiful baby boys 5 weeks old almost ready for their forever homes!

Beautiful baby boys 5 weeks old almost ready for their forever homes!

New babies have arrived 6 males 1 female. These beautiful babies are AKC registered and will be ready for their forever ...

New babies have arrived 6 males 1 female. These beautiful babies are AKC registered and will be ready for their forever homes in 8 weeks.


My brother has one little boy available if anyone is interested in him he's just over 12 weeks old and is small. Contact Donnie 4177370706


After lots of phone calls and messages we have decided to have a new litter of babies! Cotton&Jr will be having a new litter in just a couple months. If you are interested in getting on the waiting list let us know!!

3 beautiful poochon babies left available! Give me brother a holler if your interested they are sweet babies!417-737-070...

3 beautiful poochon babies left available! Give me brother a holler if your interested they are sweet babies!417-737-0706 Donnie 🐕🐾

Hey everyone my brother has some new babies for sale reach out to him if you are interested these babies are poochons. S...

Hey everyone my brother has some new babies for sale reach out to him if you are interested these babies are poochons. Summit City Bichons 417-737-0706 Donnie Hillis


After a very long night we sadly had 2 babies that passed away. Mommy is doing the best she can be very sad and lost looking for her babies 😭 our hearts are very sad today. 😥


Verona, MO





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